Has Aero been implemented in Qt 4.7?
I read http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2009/09/15/using-blur-behind-on-windows/, which talks about the workaround (and implements one) for Aero on Vista/7.
Is there a different method in Qt 4.7? — The reason I ask, is that I plan on implementing blur in my application, and on all non Aero Operating Systems, I'd like the window to be the same colour as the OS [Silver on OSX, Grey on XP etc.].
Is there a special method of doing such in Qt 4.7?
Also interested if there's a way to copy the tab design [along with the new tab button, and rearrangement ability], without losing the other MDI features [restore to non-tab]
Thank you,
Alec Taylor
[the reason I asked about 4.7 is that the article specified an aero-implementation in that version]