Use vectorcan APIs (Qt 6.2.2 , Qt SerialBus part) to connect Can bus ,but fail to receive can-fd message.
The bus status is always "Unknown" when invoking busStatus() but the hasBusStatus() always return "true", as a result , it make me so confused.Besides, I try to run can example in Qt6.2 , it show the same warning as above.
So , I wonder whether vectorcan APIs is not good or get some bugs.
I will appreciate it if anyone can give me a hand.Best Regards
@Shadow_3102 said in Opensurce Qt6.2 vectorcan can not receive and send CAN-FD message:
The bus status is always "Unknown"
Is it possible for you to use another non-Qt application/tool to check that your CAN setup is working properly in that machine/PC/device?
@Pablo-J-Rogina Thank you for your reply , Pablo. I use TSMaster to connect vectorcan plugin , it works well , which can receive and transmit can-fd mseesage as expected.
So it does make me confused. I am trying to read "XL Driver Library" and run the example provided to find out a solution. -
What OS are you using?
If you are on linux and their hardware supports socketcan I would highly recommend using that.
I found this http://martchus.no-ip.biz/doc/qt5/qtserialbus/qtserialbus-vectorcan-overview.html
maybe it can shed some light for you? -
After test and reading source code in QT , I have found the root cause .
The answer in in vectorcanbackend.cpp (...\Qt6.2\6.2.2\Src\qtserialbus\src\plugins\canbus\vectorcan),and we can see function named startRead(), source code as follows:
void VectorCanBackendPrivate::startRead() { Q_Q(VectorCanBackend); QList<QCanBusFrame> newFrames; for (;;) { quint32 eventCount = 1; if (usesCanFd) { XLcanRxEvent event = {}; const XLstatus status = ::xlCanReceive(portHandle, &event); if (Q_UNLIKELY(status != XL_SUCCESS)) { if (status != XL_ERR_QUEUE_IS_EMPTY) { q->setError(systemErrorString(status), QCanBusDevice::ReadError); } break; } if (event.tag != XL_CAN_EV_TAG_RX_OK) continue; const XL_CAN_EV_RX_MSG &msg = event.tagData.canRxOkMsg; QCanBusFrame frame(msg.id & ~XL_CAN_EXT_MSG_ID, QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(msg.data), int(msg.dlc))); frame.setTimeStamp(QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp::fromMicroSeconds(event.timeStamp / 1000)); frame.setExtendedFrameFormat(msg.id & XL_CAN_RXMSG_FLAG_EDL); frame.setFrameType((msg.flags & XL_CAN_RXMSG_FLAG_RTR) ? QCanBusFrame::RemoteRequestFrame : (msg.flags & XL_CAN_RXMSG_FLAG_EF) ? QCanBusFrame::ErrorFrame : QCanBusFrame::DataFrame); newFrames.append(std::move(frame)); } else { XLevent event = {}; const XLstatus status = ::xlReceive(portHandle, &eventCount, &event); if (Q_UNLIKELY(status != XL_SUCCESS)) { if (status != XL_ERR_QUEUE_IS_EMPTY) { q->setError(systemErrorString(status), QCanBusDevice::ReadError); } break; } if (event.tag != XL_RECEIVE_MSG) continue; const s_xl_can_msg &msg = event.tagData.msg; if ((msg.flags & XL_CAN_MSG_FLAG_TX_COMPLETED) && !transmitEcho) continue; QCanBusFrame frame(msg.id & ~XL_CAN_EXT_MSG_ID, QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(msg.data), int(msg.dlc))); frame.setTimeStamp(QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp::fromMicroSeconds(event.timeStamp / 1000)); frame.setExtendedFrameFormat(msg.id & XL_CAN_EXT_MSG_ID); frame.setLocalEcho(msg.flags & XL_CAN_MSG_FLAG_TX_COMPLETED); frame.setFrameType((msg.flags & XL_CAN_MSG_FLAG_REMOTE_FRAME) ? QCanBusFrame::RemoteRequestFrame : (msg.flags & XL_CAN_MSG_FLAG_ERROR_FRAME) ? QCanBusFrame::ErrorFrame : QCanBusFrame::DataFrame); newFrames.append(std::move(frame)); } } q->enqueueReceivedFrames(newFrames); }
when usesCanFd is true , the data structure "canRxOkMsg" was used to get several fields. However some wrong API was used, for example :
Wrong usages:
QCanBusFrame frame(**msg.id** & ~XL_CAN_EXT_MSG_ID, frame.setTimeStamp(QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp::fromMicroSeconds(event.timeStamp / 1000)); frame.setExtendedFrameFormat(**msg.id** & XL_CAN_RXMSG_FLAG_EDL); frame.setFrameType((**msg.flags** & XL_CAN_RXMSG_FLAG_RTR) ? QCanBusFrame::RemoteRequestFrame : (**msg.flags** & XL_CAN_RXMSG_FLAG_EF) ? QCanBusFrame::ErrorFrame : QCanBusFrame::DataFrame);
Correct usages:
QCanBusFrame frame(**msg.canId** & ~XL_CAN_EXT_MSG_ID, frame.setTimeStamp(QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp::fromMicroSeconds(event.timeStampSync / 1000)); frame.setExtendedFrameFormat(**msg.canId** & XL_CAN_RXMSG_FLAG_EDL); frame.setFrameType((**msg.msgFlags** & XL_CAN_RXMSG_FLAG_RTR) ? QCanBusFrame::RemoteRequestFrame : (**msg.msgFlags** & XL_CAN_RXMSG_FLAG_EF) ? QCanBusFrame::ErrorFrame : QCanBusFrame::DataFrame);
All latest data structures and APIs are included in vxlapi.h, which is provided by vectorcan and you can get this file by installed "XL Driver Library 20.30.14". The version I use is ”XL Driver Library 20.30.14”.
Snippet code(key point) in vxlapi.h :
// General RX Event typedef struct { unsigned int size; // 4 - overall size of the complete event unsigned short tag; // 2 - type of the event unsigned short channelIndex; // 2 unsigned int userHandle; // 4 (lower 12 bit available for CAN) unsigned short flagsChip; // 2 queue overflow (upper 8bit) unsigned short reserved0; // 2 XLuint64 reserved1; // 8 XLuint64 timeStampSync; // 8 - timestamp which is synchronized by the driver union { unsigned char raw[XL_CANFD_MAX_EVENT_SIZE - XL_CANFD_RX_EVENT_HEADER_SIZE]; XL_CAN_EV_RX_MSG canRxOkMsg; XL_CAN_EV_RX_MSG canTxOkMsg; XL_CAN_EV_TX_REQUEST canTxRequest; XL_CAN_EV_ERROR canError; XL_CAN_EV_CHIP_STATE canChipState; XL_CAN_EV_SYNC_PULSE canSyncPulse; } tagData; } XLcanRxEvent; // used with XL_CAN_EV_TAG_RX_OK typedef struct { unsigned int canId; unsigned int msgFlags; unsigned int crc; unsigned char reserved1[12]; unsigned short totalBitCnt; unsigned char dlc; unsigned char reserved[5]; unsigned char data[XL_CAN_MAX_DATA_LEN]; } XL_CAN_EV_RX_MSG;
In addition , the same issues exist in startWrite() .
And I think it is a big bug , needing to fix , so I want to post this issue to Qt but dont know how to do it .
I will appreciate it if you can help me . Or you can contact me directly.BRs//Hengtai
Email:19047119059@qq.com -
Looks like https://forum.qt.io/topic/126887/getting-xl_err_queue_is_empty-when-connecting-to-vector-vn1630a has the same problem
I have known the root cause and report the bug to QT Jira:https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-99259
I plan to fix it later but some issus happens in my local develpoment environment . As a result , it may still needs some time to finish it .
@Shadow_3102 thank you for sharing your findings and for reporting the issue.
This issue has been fixed in 6.4.2.
See details in : https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-99259