Can someone please tell me the meaning of this code ???
@CRSSFeedParser *parser = new CRSSFeedParser(CRSSFeedParser::kRSSFeed);
connect(parser, SIGNAL(notifyFeedData(FeedData)),this, SLOT(handleFeedData(FeedData)));
void CItemListWidget::handleFeedData(FeedData data)
int count = data.items.count();
qDebug() << "Feed Count:" << count;
for(int index = 0; index < count; index++){
FeedDataItem feedItem = data.items[index];
CItemWidget *item = new CItemWidget(feedItem, this->width(), this->height(), m_kItemType);
vScrollLayout->addWidget(item);@Please someone explain me about this code..
As mentioned in your other thread do some reading on Qt.
Can you please tell me about the use of CRSSFeedParser in the above example ...
[quote author="Prajnaranjan Das" date="1293527397"]Can you please tell me about the use of CRSSFeedParser in the above example ...[/quote]
AFAIK CRSSFeedParser is not a part of Qt API. It is a class defined inside your project. Go through the source code.
thank you all for your valuable reply....