Hide Cursor in QML
I am deploying to a touch screen display unit and I would like to hide my cursor, is this possible with QML?
no, as far as I know. you should make your own wrapper or modify qmlviewer
also i want to warn you about a possible problem. some touch screen drivers don't set a cursor to new position immediately when you touch the screen, but only after move or release. this can spoil user experience for buttons, as the will not look pressed, when you expect. I had this problem with Windows 7, in Ubuntu 10.10 everything's ok
is there an instruction I can pass to qmlviewer to test possibilities for the wrapper?
I am used to being able to pass instructions like -qws -frameless -dragthreshold 25 along with the qmlviewer command. What could I try for hiding the cursor?
I'll look into it. Thanks
I appreciate the help.