Symbian^3 emulator - QT component not installed
You cannot install a sis file(prepared for device) in the emulator.
Ok with that ... still ... why I cannot integrate Symbian^3 emulator with QtCreator?
Shouldnt that be possible? -
anton_duca, you can use Simulator to test your apps. Emulator integration is not possible AFAIK.
I know I can use the Simulator ... the problem is the UIs and other features are not as they appear/are on device ....
I am a J2ME and Android developer and .... telling me to use Simulator is like saying to use a RegularJ2ME emulator and not a DeviceEmulator .... come on man
In the releasenotes.txt from Symbian^3 SDK says clear:
- To integrate SDK with Qt Creator, go to <SDK ROOT DIR>\epoc32\tools\qt and run qt_conf_path_edit.bat.
Does not that sentence means it SHOULD WORK?
- To integrate SDK with Qt Creator, go to <SDK ROOT DIR>\epoc32\tools\qt and run qt_conf_path_edit.bat.
A better option in this case will be to use carbide.c++ symbian SDK and Qt SDK combination.
SDK and emulator are not same things :)
[quote author="Denis Kormalev" date="1293454299"]SDK and emulator are not same things :) [/quote]
Yes, I was referring to install the Symbian SDK only. It comes with emulator - which resembles the device more.
[quote author="qtrahul" date="1293456633"]
You have to uninstall the Qt creator if you have previously installed.[/quote]
This is not essential. If required you can install different versions of Qt Creator. I use a stable version along with the latest RC version.
bq. SDK and emulator are not same things :)
What would be the point to integrate an IDE (like Qtcreator) with a SDK (symbian^3) ?
From my point of view is to code/test/develop better for that particular SDK ... and on what can u test that better ... of course on a dedicated emulator (like the emulator that ships with the Symbian^3 SDK)
Why would I integrate Netbeans or Eclipse with s60 3rd MIDP if not to test it on the S60 emulator ... would it make sense to test it on a GenericJ2ME emulator (which not resembles the real device)? (not for me) -
anton_duca, QtCreator integration with SDK is mostly for building apps and for debugging them on device.
I hope Nokia Qt SDK is progressing in that direction and in future we might have better tools.