Qt custom widgets propertis are not getting updated properly in Qt designer
I have created a custom widget.
The widget gets loaded fine,the properties appear in QT Designer,
Only problem is every time I change the property of Alpha key,the
numeric also gets set,
Though the accessor functions are different,and the enums are differnet
and values are different.
Also whenever i check the Form->view code,the values would have got
Am i Missing something or this is a designer issue,Any workarounds
would be appreciated@
class key
Q_PROPERTY(AlphKeycode_t AlphKeycode READ AlphKeycode WRITE
Q_PROPERTY(bool AlphKey READ isAlph WRITE setAlph);
Q_ENUMS(AlphKeycode_t);Q_PROPERTY(NumKeycode_t NumKeycode READ NumeKeycode WRITE
Q_PROPERTY(bool NumKey READ isNum WRITE setNum);
AlphKeycode_t m_AlphaKeycode;
NumKeycode_t m_NumKeycode}
key::key(QWidget *parent) :
connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(KeyClicked()));
}struct AlphData
QString label;
bool isAlphabetic;
};struct NumData
QString label;
bool isNumeric;
};AlphData AlphKeyData[] =
{"q",true },
NumData NumKeyData[] =
{"1", false},
}bool key::isAlphabetic()
return AlphKeyData[m_AlphabeticKeycode].isAlphabetic;
void key::setAlphabetic(bool arg)
AlphKeyData[m_AlphaKeycode].isAlphabetic = arg;
}bool key::isNumeric()
return NumKeyData[m_NumKeycode].isNumeric;
}void key::setNumeric(bool arg)
NumKeyData[m_NumKeycode].isNumeric = arg;
}//Slot Function
void key::KeyClicked()
if (AlphKeyData[m_AlphaKeycode].isAlphabetic)
Q_EMIT this->OnDataKeyClicked(m_AlphaKeycode);
if (NumKeyData[m_NumKeycode].isNumeric)
Q_EMIT this->OnDataKeyClicked(m_NumKeycode);
@[EDIT: added @-tags for code formatting, Volker]
Please use proper code format. And which version of Qt Creator are you testing your properties, maybe can be a Creator bug
Thanks for the replies,Sorry for code formatting.
I am using Qt designer 4.7 on linux,The plugin is built on linux using C++code,with the usual MOC'ing and It generates ui_key.h
What Iam feeling is every time i create a new instance,The property editor does not start with a fresh set of default values. Some how it retains some old values,
I want to get something like
is Numeric
These should be unigue for a key,which means if i choose alpha,and set is alpha ,it should retain this property.
On creating a new key ,the property sheet still imagines that i need to create a alpha key and shows the isAlpha enabled.
so when i choose numeric,it sets the key to be true for both alpha and numeric using qVariant.
,hence the slot function goes for a toss.I have not used any qvariant in code.Iam not aware how to disable this qvariant.
Also I would like the AlphaKey and NumericKey to be exclusive. Which means,If I create a alphakey and set it to alpha,next time I want to create Numeric,The property sheet should start fresh with all default values,and on setting it as numeric,It should just set it as numeric.
Any ideas will be very helpful -
AlphData AlphKeyData[] is a regular C/C++ array and thus 0-based. You cannot access it with the character stored in it. Depending on the compiler and other circumstances you will cause a crash of your program.
@you access the array at index 81 or 113 ('Q' or 'q').
Apart from that, I do not understand what you want to do.