Qt mobility 1.1.0 with Qt 4.7.0 help
[quote author="doforumda" date="1293094668"]hi
Can i use Qt mobility 1.1.0 with Qt 4.7.0? If yes then I already installed Qt sdk with everything plus Qt 4.7.0. Now what should i do to install Qt mobility 1.1.0 so that it works with my Previous Qt SDK?[/quote]Which is the previous SDK you are referring to. Is it Nokia Qt SDK.
It is not Nokia QT SDK. It is Qt SDK which i downloaded from "here":http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/
[quote author="QtK" date="1293096629"]
[quote author="doforumda" date="1293094668"]hi
Can i use Qt mobility 1.1.0 with Qt 4.7.0? If yes then I already installed Qt sdk with everything plus Qt 4.7.0. Now what should i do to install Qt mobility 1.1.0 so that it works with my Previous Qt SDK?[/quote]Which is the previous SDK you are referring to. Is it Nokia Qt SDK. [/quote]
Nokia Qt SDK comes with Qt Mobility so would advise you to try that.
ok I install Nokia Qt SDK on Windows 7 now and Qt Mobility is already installed with it. But i think it is not Qt Mobility 1.1.0. it is the previous one 1.0.2. So How can I install the newer version of Qt Mobility so that it start works with this Nokia Qt SDK??
Please Help
[quote author="Alexander Kuchumov" date="1293103485"]see this: "http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/Setting_up_environment_for_Qt_Mobility_API":http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/Setting_up_environment_for_Qt_Mobility_API[/quote]
when i extract this .zip file i could not find those files which are mentioned on this link
[quote author="Alexander Kuchumov" date="1293131229"]Do you use Qt SDK or Nokia SDK? Which platform do you want to use?[/quote]
Seems he has access to both SDK and Platforms.
Have you made steps, which are described here? - "http://doc.trolltech.com/qtmobility-1.1/installation.html":http://doc.trolltech.com/qtmobility-1.1/installation.html
just install perl, run configure, qmake, make (or nmake) and add LD_LIBRARY_PATH (PATH) -
@Alexander Kuchumov: I am using Qt SDK on Ubuntu and Nokia Qt SDK on Windows 7. About Nokia Qt SDK, I have installed Nokia Qt SDK in E:/NokiaQtSDK folder. About Qt SDK which is on Ubuntu, I have installed that in my home folder.
Now About Nokia Qt SDK which is on Windows 7, I downloaded Qt Mobility 1.1.0. qt-mobility-opensource-src-1.1.0.zip file is now in D: partition. now the problem is where should i extract this folder.
"Is it necessary that I have to unzip this .zip file at E:/NokiaQtSDK folder?"
and then How can I install or configure this Qt Mobility so that it is available for NokiaQtSDK?Help...
ok what I did is
1- Downloaded Qt Mobility d: partition.
2- Unzip that it to E:\NokiaQtSDK Folder
3- Opened command prompt(start>type cmd in run and press enter).
4- Then i went to e:\NokiaQtSDK\qt-mobility-opensource-src-1.1.0>
5- Then I type this "e:\NokiaQtSDK\qt-mobility-opensource-src-1.1.0>configure -prefix e:\NokiaQtSDK"
@Then it displayed this output
Checking available Qt
\PC was unexpected at this time.
@ -
No I have not install QtMobility on Ubuntu. I want to install it because first I will check this in my Windows by Clicking Run Button then I will check that on N900 Device Which has Maemo I guess.
ok let me clear this thing as well. I need this Qt mobility to work with QML. i,e. I want to play videos using QML. After searching through Internet i found that i can't play videos without using Qt Mobility 1.1.0. So thats why i need this.
Ok guys. Here what i did now.
I completely format my PC. I reinstall windows 7. Then Download Qt SDK from this "link":http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/
Then I install Qt SDK in C:\Qt\2010.05 folder.
Then I download Qt Mobility 1.1.0 from this "link":ftp://ftp.qt.nokia.com/qt/solutions/qt-mobility-opensource-src-1.1.0-tp.zipThen I extracted zip file at C:\QtMobility.
Then turn on the command line by "start>type cmd in run and press enter".
Then I navigate to c:\QtMobility
Then I follow instructions on this "link":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility-1.1.0-beta/installation.html
Here is my output for first time command which didn't work
Checking available Qt
\QuickTime\QTSystem\ was unexpected at this time.
@Then I tried this which also didn't work
C:\QtMobility>configure -prefix ..\Qt\2010.05
Checking available Qt
\QuickTime\QTSystem\ was unexpected at this time.
@Please Help. I badly need your help.