Table of elements using ColumnLayout and RowLayout
QML and Qt Quick
I want to achieve something like:
____________________________________ | some text2 texrrr | ___________________________________ | another another222 another33 | ___________________________________ | txt1 txt22 text333 | ___________________________________ | longtext longtext tooolong...| ____________________________________
So table of Text aligned like in the example and with each row separated.
And i dont know what to do when text is too big and interferes with another one
I tried various combinations but every had some problems with this formatting, for example:
ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent RowLayout{ Layout.fillWidth: true Item { Layout.fillWidth: true height: bodyLabel.height Text { id: bodyLabel anchors.left: parent.left text: "another" color: "white" } Text { anchors.horizontalCenter : parent.horizontalCenter text: "another33" color: "white" } Text { anchors.right: parent.right text: "another222" color: "white" } } } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true height: 10 Rectangle { height: 1 width: parent.width anchors.centerIn: parent color: "grey" } } }
ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent RowLayout{ Layout.fillWidth: true Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "another" color: "white" } Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "another33" color: "white" } Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "another222" color: "white" } } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true height: 10 Rectangle { height: 1 width: parent.width anchors.centerIn: parent color: "grey" } } }
Hi @Kyeiv ,
Please find solution bellow. You should use elide: Text.ElideRight to wrap text labels.
import QtQuick import QtQuick.Window import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Layouts Window { ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent RowLayout{ Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text1a" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text1b" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text1c" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true height: 10 Rectangle { height: 1 width: parent.width anchors.centerIn: parent color: "grey" } } RowLayout{ Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text2a" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text2b" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text2c" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true height: 10 Rectangle { height: 1 width: parent.width anchors.centerIn: parent color: "grey" } } RowLayout{ Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text3a" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text3b" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text3c" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } } } }
Best Regards
Hi @Kyeiv ,
I didn't realize that you wanted the elements of each line to line up with each other. In this case you can use GridLayout:import QtQuick import QtQuick.Window import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Layouts Window { GridLayout { anchors.fill: parent columns: 3 //rows: 5 Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text1a Looooooooog" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text1b" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text1c" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } Item { Layout.columnSpan: 3 Layout.fillWidth: true height: 10 Rectangle { height: 1 width: parent.width anchors.centerIn: parent color: "grey" } } Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text2a" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text2b Looooooooog" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text2c" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } ´ Item { Layout.columnSpan: 3 Layout.fillWidth: true height: 10 Rectangle { height: 1 width: parent.width anchors.centerIn: parent color: "grey" } } Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text3a" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text3b" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } Text { Layout.fillWidth: true text: "Text3c Looooooooog" horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignHCenter elide: Text.ElideRight } } }