where can i find a list of default install locations for all the various qt5 AND QML library binaries/headers
where can i find a list of default install locations for all the various qt5 AND QML library binaries/headers? I find qml and qt5 are separate. I can't find things such as QQmlApplicationEngine, QQmlContext, or QQuickStyle. QApplication and QCommandLineParser have showed up. I'm attempting to build an open source project that uses qt libraries, along with some other libs I haven't identified yet. I'm using vscode and attempting to edit up the json files.
I'm using linux mint x86_64.
ah, i found some of the libs within my /home subdirectories for some reason.
edit: the extra q libs were apart of the kde api i installed. Searching for dependencies can be a bother!
You mean like
C:\Qt\5.15.2\msvc2019_64\lib -
yes, but i'm using linux so those paths aren't relevant. i've used commands like
find . -name QQmlApplicationEngine
in the terminal to search my filesystem for the libs. Ive found two of them in the /usr directory. The rest just don't exist anywhere in the/usr
directory. I want to know how to install each specific lib so I can build this app. I know I have qt5 and qml installed viasudo apt-get install -y qml-module-qtquick-controls2
andsudo apt-get install qt5-default
. -
Ok so that would been worth mentioning. :)What does
dpkg -L qt5-default
gives ?
that command out puts:
paul@pauls-computer:~$ dpkg -L qt5-default /. /usr /usr/lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qtchooser /usr/share /usr/share/doc /usr/share/doc/qt5-default /usr/share/doc/qt5-default/copyright /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qtchooser/default.conf /usr/share/doc/qt5-default/changelog.Debian.gz
Ok. so that is its install paths.
So the files should be there. -
ah, i found some of the libs within my /home subdirectories for some reason.
edit: the extra q libs were apart of the kde api i installed. Searching for dependencies can be a bother!
Yes, it seems quite some excises you are into.hmm /home i would not have guessed at :)
- Searching for dependencies can be a bother!
Yes it can. also when you dont have an exe to go from but must find all needed libs manually.
What open source project are you building if i may ask ?
- Searching for dependencies can be a bother!
kdeconnect application. I just wanna make it so you can click on the notification popups lol. my real goal is to build up my resume to eventually get a job. i'm out of work due to an injury right now.
Oh that seems like a nice app.
So you are following this
https://community.kde.org/KDEConnect#Linux_Desktopand sounds like you soon have it working.
Hehe quit some effort to have a an extra click handler :)
- my real goal is to build up my resume to eventually get a job.
Oh, well training is the best way. and altering a complete project is a good way. IMHO.
Im sorry about your injury and hope you are all right now.
You are in Italy?