How do I "move" an item from one QListWidget to another?
That's correct, behind the Q*Widgets, there is a QStandardItemModel. But as you have no influence on the model, some things (from my point of view) are more complicated than with model - view (but I'm used to create models).
But if you look at simple displaying situations, it's more effort needed to create a model than to use a Q*Widget, that's what I meant. But if you need editable view, I would always suggest to go the model - view thing, especially as you have more control over the data.
takeWidgetItem only removes the widget of the item which was set with setWidgetItem before. It does not remove the QListWidgetItem itself from the view; this is achieved with takeItem.
You can safely transfer a QListWidgetItem from on list widget to another:
void ListManager::on_addButton_clicked()
if( ui->leftList->count() == 0 )
// nothing to transfer...
return;QListWidgetItem *widget = ui->leftList->takeItem( ui->leftList->currentRow() );
@This obviously works only with single selection mode of the list widget. For a multi-item selection mode you will have to do some more work.
Not always. If you need a UI toolkit that is perhaps cross platform, what else to use? wxWidgets? it's different, but better? I think no. And you can reduce the fragemntation but just don't use some things. The software we are creating is running 24/7 normally. So you should look at such things a bit, and where you can prevent, you should...
For linux, you use valgrin, for windows, I know no free solution, only commercial ones.
But for those tools, ther are already threads "here": and "here": -
We had a thread "here": which had discussed the such tools.
(Sorry for spaming, I was to slow and meantime Gerolf answered the question)
[quote author="Jonathan" date="1292788447"]Perhaps the biggest hole in the Qt environment is the lack of integrated analysis tools, eg for memory leaks, performance analysis. The only option AFAIK is Valgrind.[/quote]
Analysis tools are highly platform dependent, so it would be hard to provide this in a platform independent manner and quality like the Qt libs. I personally am convinced, that it is also out of scope for a toolkit.