Problem with data visualization in QCharts and multithreading
Hello everyone.
I got a problem regarding QChartView and widgets in general when used with multithreading.I got a code like this
QChart *chart_plot; QChartView *chartView_plot; QLineSeries *series_plot;
in my mainwindow.h and like this
series_plot = new QLineSeries(); chart_plot = new QChart(); chart_plot->addSeries(series_plot); // etc... chartView_plot = new QChartView; chartView_plot->setChart(chart_plot); chartView_plot->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing,true); ui->gridLayout_plots->addWidget(chartView_plot,1,0,1,3);
in my mainwindow.cpp ant it works fine with the following result:
However, since there are more charts in my GUI and everything starts beeing slower and less reactive, I was thinking about letting another thread to manage the data visualization.
Then i created another object "MyThread_navigation" withQChart *chart_plot; QChartView *chartView_plot; QLineSeries *series_plot;
in mythread_navigation.h and
void MyThread_navigation::setup_thread(QThread &cThread, QChartView *chartview) { series_plot = new QLineSeries(); chart_plot = new QChart(); chart_plot->addSeries(series_plot); // etc... chartView_plot = new QChartView(chartview); chartView_plot->setChart(chart_plot); chartView_plot->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing,true); connect(&cThread,SIGNAL(started()),this,SLOT(start_thread())); }
in mythread_navigation.cpp.
Then, I wroteMyThread_navigation *worker_navigation; // Worker for navigation data visualization QThread *thread_navigation; // Thread for navigation data visualization
in mainwindow.h and this
chartView_plot = new QChartView(); chartView_plot->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing,true); ui->gridLayout_plots->addWidget(chartView_plot,1,0,1,3); thread_navigation = new QThread(); worker_navigation = new MyThread_navigation(); worker_navigation->setup_thread(*thread_navigation,chartView_plot); worker_navigation->moveToThread(thread_navigation); connect(this, SIGNAL(quit_threads()), thread_navigation, SLOT(quit())); connect(this, SIGNAL(quit_threads()), worker_navigation, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(thread_navigation, SIGNAL(finished()), thread_navigation, SLOT(deleteLater())); thread_navigation->start();
in mainwindow.cpp.
Moreover, when I resize the GUI window, that small chart does not appear to change its size.
It seems that when I pass a widget to another class and move that class to my QThread object, my chart won't resize to the layout's size in which it is contained.In previous codes I wrote something like
graph_surface = new Q3DSurface(); container = QWidget::createWindowContainer(graph_surface); ui->gridLayout_visual->addWidget(container,1,0,6,1); graph_surface->setHorizontalAspectRatio(container->width()/container->height()); graph_surface->setHeight(container->height()); container->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); container->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); // etc. thread_visual = new QThread; worker_visual = new MyThread_visualization(); worker_visual->setup_thread(*thread_visual, graph_surface); worker_visual->moveToThread(thread_visual_RA); thread_visual->start();
and It used to work fine. The problem is that
doesn't take a QChartView as a input (only QWindow apparently).
How can I solve this?
How can I "put" a QChartView (QWidget) in a container (if it solves my problem)?
Is there a better way to make another thread to manage data visualization on a chart?Thank you in advance of any reply :-)
Bye bye -
You must not modify any gui elements outside the main gui thread. You can move the calculation into a separate thread and then send the result via signals and slots to the main gui thread.
Thank you for your advice. I did as you said and it seems it's working well.