How to change the current time with Text
I assume you tested it on a PC or Laptop. On mobile device it might freeze.
Updating every second shouldn't stress the CPU since updates need to be every 16 ms to get smooth animations. Of course whether smooth animations are possible depends upon what is animating and the system animating it. I wouldn't expect updating text to be one of those cases.
Just another concern I have about QML application is the initial loading time it takes on Mobile Devices especially on higher ends like N97. Native Symbian applications load a lot more quickly. Hope this would be optimized in someway in future.
Updating something every second should definitely not affect CPU very much. Even on a mobile device. A small timer is very simple and not stressful. I have done much more wicked things in my QML code :P All done on CPU on a 400MHz device of course.
It takes roughly 1-2 seconds to load a QML app here. Noting that the QML app includes images that are not hinted to load asynchronously. 1-2 seconds may be slower than native Symbian apps but it's still faster than apps on most platforms including iOS, Android, etc.. so I don't think there's much problem. Just need that loading process animated.
For eg the flowd demo you had referred to takes more time than symbian apps to load. But once loaded it works fine.
[quote author="xsacha" date="1292193076"]Updating something every second should definitely not affect CPU very much. Even on a mobile device. A small timer is very simple and not stressful. I have done much more wicked things in my QML code :P All done on CPU on a 400MHz device of course.
[/quote]The digiflip demo that I mentioned runs smooth, but I have a widget that show the CPU usage, and if I made the numbers too big (or just not small), it goes up easily. As I said, it's c++, but honestly, it's code that I don't dare to understand deeply (I mean, the paint() stuff, the rest is easy of course).
If you haven't seen it already, there is a "Clocks" example in examples/declarative/toys/clocks that might also be useful to look at.
Michael -
Oh, that's true! I completely forgot that! Thanks!
Just for the record: a Timer is used in that example.
[quote author="disperso" date="1292206056"]Oh, that's true! I completely forgot that! Thanks!
Just for the record: a Timer is used in that example.[/quote]
It seems I need to give some time to explore all the examples.
Another approach, just to highlight that there are different ways to do stuff, is to use C++ to make a simple clock element. This element would have properties for time and date, and update them (complete with signal) when needed. The timer would therefore move to this C++ part.
In QML, you can then just do something like this:
@Item {
Clock {
id: clock
timeFormat: 'hh:mm:ss'
}Text { id: timeDisplay text: clock.time } Text { id: dateDisplay text: }
@The code needed for the Clock element would not be hard at all, just a few lines of code.
I just tried to implement a Clock element. It wasn't hard:
#ifndef CLOCK_H
#define CLOCK_H#include <QDeclarativeItem>
class QTimer;
class Clock : public QDeclarativeItem
Q_PROPERTY (QString time READ time NOTIFY timeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY (QString date READ date NOTIFY dateChanged)
Q_PROPERTY (QString timeFormat READ timeFormat WRITE setTimeFormat NOTIFY timeFormatChanged)
Q_PROPERTY (QString datFormate READ dateFormat WRITE setDateFormat NOTIFY dateFormatChanged)public:
explicit Clock(QDeclarativeItem *parent = 0);QString time() const {return m_time;} QString date() const {return m_date;} QString timeFormat() const {return m_timeFormat;} QString dateFormat() const {return m_dateFormat;} void setTimeFormat(const QString& format); void setDateFormat(const QString& format);
void timeChanged();
void dateChanged();
void timeFormatChanged();
void dateFormatChanged();public slots:
private slots:
void updateTimeDate();private:
QString m_time;
QString m_date;
QString m_timeFormat;
QString m_dateFormat;QTimer* m_timer;
#endif // CLOCK_H
#include "clock.h"
#include <QTimer>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QLocale>Clock::Clock(QDeclarativeItem *parent) :
m_timer(new QTimer(this))
QLocale loc;
m_timeFormat = loc.timeFormat();
m_dateFormat = loc.dateFormat();m_timer->setInterval(200); connect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateTimeDate())); m_timer->start(); updateTimeDate();
void Clock::setTimeFormat(const QString& format)
if (format != m_timeFormat) {
m_timeFormat = format;
emit timeFormatChanged();
}void Clock::setDateFormat(const QString& format)
if (format != m_dateFormat) {
m_dateFormat = format;
emit dateFormatChanged();
}void Clock::updateTimeDate()
QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime();QString time = dt.time().toString(m_timeFormat); if (time != m_time) { m_time = time; emit timeChanged(); } QString date =; if (date != m_date) { m_date = date; emit dateChanged(); }
@Register the class for use with QML in a line like this:
@ qmlRegisterType<Clock>("com.test.qmlcomponent", 1, 0, "Clock");@In the QML, you can then import the Clock element like so:
@import com.test.qmlcomponent 1.0@
and use it as illustrated in my example at the top.If you want, you can extend the Clock class to expose the different time units seperately too. That makes it easy to use it for a clock that you display with other means than just a text, like in analog form.
This thread deserves becoming a wiki...
It is very interesting to have developers trying to come up with different approaches to the same problem. Maybe we could make that a "regular" activity. Someone suggests a problem and we spend few days trying to propose different solutions.
Anybody up for it?