UI doesnt refresh correctly
Im reading some datas on serial port. My user ınterface doesnt refrest the datas correctly. I want to see the last data on my gui, which is coming from serial . How can i do it with a timer
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) , ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); count =0; serial = new QSerialPort(); open_Serial(); m_timer = new QTimer(); connect(m_timer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this, SLOT(on_joystick())); m_timer->setInterval(20); m_timer->start(); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; } void MainWindow::open_Serial() { serial->setPortName("/dev/ttyUSB0"); serial->setBaudRate(QSerialPort::Baud115200); serial->setDataBits(QSerialPort::Data8); serial->setParity(QSerialPort::NoParity); serial->setStopBits(QSerialPort::OneStop); serial->setFlowControl(QSerialPort::NoFlowControl); if (serial->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) { qDebug() << "ttyUSB0" << "is Open "; serial->clear(); write_Json(); connect(serial, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &MainWindow::on_Serial_Read); //connect(serial, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &MainWindow::on_joystick); } if(serial->isOpen()) { ui->Open->setChecked(true); } // if(serial->disconnect()) // { // ui->Close->setChecked(true); // } } void MainWindow::on_Serial_Read() { QByteArray data = serial->readAll(); s= data.size(); if (s>14) s=14; memcpy(dizi, data.constData(), 14); if(dizi[1] < -500 || dizi[1] > 500 || dizi[2] < -500 || dizi[2] > 500 || dizi[3] < -500 || dizi[3] > 500 || dizi[4] < -500 || dizi[4] > 500 ) { count ++; ui->lcdNumberError->display(count); qDebug() << "-->"<< dizi[1] << dizi[2]<< dizi[3]<< dizi[4]<< dizi[5]<< dizi[6]; } } void MainWindow::on_joystick() { if(dizi[1] > 0 && dizi[1] < 600) { ui->progressBarAx->setValue(dizi[1]); ui->progressBarAxEksi->setValue(0); } if(dizi[2] > 0 && dizi[2] < 600) { ui->progressBarAy->setValue(dizi[2]); ui->progressBarAy->setValue(0); } if(dizi[3] > 0 && dizi[3] < 600 ) { ui->progressBarBx->setValue(dizi[3]); ui->progressBarBxEksi->setValue(0); } if(dizi[4] > 0 && dizi[4] < 600 ) { ui->progressBarBy->setValue(dizi[4]); ui->progressBarByEksi->setValue(0); } if(dizi[1] <0 ) { //ui->progressBarAxEksi->setValue(dizi[1]*-1); ui->progressBarAxEksi->setValue(qAbs(dizi[1])); } if(dizi[2] <0 ) { ui->progressBarAyEksi->setValue(qAbs(dizi[2])); // ui->progressBarAyEksi->setValue(dizi[2]*-1); } if(dizi[3] <0 ) { //ui->progressBarBxEksi->setValue(dizi[3]*-1); ui->progressBarBxEksi->setValue(qAbs(dizi[3])); } if(dizi[4] <0 ) { //ui->progressBarByEksi_2->setValue(dizi[4]*-1); ui->progressBarByEksi->setValue(qAbs(dizi[4])); } ui->lcdNumberAx->display(dizi[1]); ui->lcdNumberAy->display(dizi[2]); ui->lcdNumberBx->display(dizi[3]); ui->lcdNumberBy->display(dizi[4]); if(dizi[5] == 0) { // ui->SwitchCSol->display(dizi[5]); // ui->SwitchDSa->display(dizi[6]); ui->radioButtonSolO->setChecked(true); ui->radioButtonSagO->setChecked(false); } else if(dizi[5] == 1) { // ui->SwitchCSol->display(dizi[5]); // ui->SwitchDSa->display(dizi[6]); ui->radioButtonSolY->setChecked(true); ui->radioButtonSagY->setChecked(false); } else { ui->radioButtonSolA->setChecked(true); ui->radioButtonSagA->setChecked(false); } if(dizi[6] == 0) { ui->radioButtonSagO->setChecked(true); ui->radioButtonSolO->setChecked(false); } else if(dizi[6] == 1) { ui->radioButtonSagY->setChecked(true); ui->radioButtonSolY->setChecked(false); } else { ui->radioButtonSagA->setChecked(true); ui->radioButtonSolA->setChecked(false); } }
Im not sure what you want to use a timer for.
You already have
connect(serial, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &MainWindow::on_Serial_Read);so when data comes, Qt calls your on_Serial_Read
Calling the on_joystick from a timer will not work good as
it will be very out of sync with on_Serial_Read and data in "dizi"
might not been read in yet.So if you see odd data , it would be that timer seems very fast and at
the first calls, the "dizi" will not have valid values as on_Serial_Read didnt trigger yet. -
@mrjj my progress bar was stuck on some point. It doesnt see the correct data. I doesnt refresh yourselft when new data comes
Did you check the incoming data ?
Its more likely some unexpected with the data than any refresh problem.In on_Serial_Read when dont you just call on_joystick ? ( i assume on_joystick is where you set the data to the GUI)
@mrjj on serial read, im reading from serial and on_joystick i put the datas on my gui. Where should i call joystick
connect(serial, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &MainWindow::on_Serial_Read); //connect(serial, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &MainWindow::on_joystick);
at the very end of :on_Serial_Read()so get signal, read data and call on_joystick to display the 14 data you just copied to dizi
@mrjj I did it like that. But i dont know why in some data, progress bar doesnt refresh.
well if dont move the bar, the most logical conclusion is that it gets the same value as before.
So put in
qDebug() << "-->"<< dizi[1] << dizi[2]<< dizi[3]<< dizi[4]<< dizi[5]<< dizi[6];
in on_joystick (in top)
and see when it dont move what data, if it still has the same value as before. -
@mrjj said in UI doesnt refresh correctly:
qDebug() << "-->"<< dizi[1] << dizi[2]<< dizi[3]<< dizi[4]<< dizi[5]<< dizi[6];
I've checked, coming datas are true. Is there anything about threads? I have serial port and i have a gui. There may be something different about it
Only if you added threads yourself. else it cant be the issue.So that data is right in top of on_joystick ?
that you are very sure about ?Since we dont clear dizi between readyRead
it will have old values.So waht excactly do you see ?
first it work, then it stops. or it never works ? -
This post is deleted!
Well it cant really be stuck as such.
It means its current value is 15.You dont have any loops or anything that would prevent it from redrawing ?
I think you will have to use the debugger and set breakpoint on the
and then see when you set data what it is.
Its very unlikely the Widget simply don't redraw as that normally makes them white/odd if
you have strangulated the event loop. -
@mrjj I didnt understand what you mean. Am i doing something wrong?
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to deleted286 on 1 Mar 2021, 08:10 last edited by mrjj 3 Jan 2021, 08:17
Nope code looks fine but you seem think the widget would suddenly stop to draw and
they rarely do and if they do, then it's very clear as it then looked messed up.So Im trying to guess at what could be wrong/go wrong.
I think its just something with the data but you seems sure the values are newer and higher than 15 so
I would like you to set a break point on the line where you set the progressbar value
and then run & stop and inspect value in the dubugger to be truely sure that a value higher than 15 comes.other note, this line
memcpy(dizi, data.constData(), 14);If less than 14 data comes, then old values are left in dizi.
and what happens if data.constData() is less than 14 ?I think its something like that.
@mrjj data.constData() cant be less than 14. I set it. Its too weird
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to deleted286 on 1 Mar 2021, 08:31 last edited by mrjj 3 Jan 2021, 08:31
What you mean ?
You dont set it at allQByteArray data = serial->readAll(); <<< this can read all from 1 to xxx bytes
s= data.size(); << this is the size of data we read if (s>14) << is is just some variable not related to data s=14;
then we copy 14 from data
memcpy(dizi, data.constData(), 14);so it dont matter how much data we actually got. we always copy 14
@mrjj said in UI doesnt refresh correctly:
What you mean ?I have
int16_t dizi[7];
Since I have an array which size is 7, i wrote something
s= data.size(); if (s>14) s=14;
But what do you then do with s to make it do anything ?
@mrjj Im just try to convert my binary data do int with that code script
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to deleted286 on 1 Mar 2021, 08:42 last edited by mrjj 3 Jan 2021, 08:43
ok im not sure what s does.
Anyway, could you try
(in on_Serial_Read)
memset(dizi, 0, 14);
memcpy(dizi, data.constData(), data.size());in place ot the line
memcpy(dizi, data.constData(), 14);and tell if it still stops at 15 ?