QML or traditional gui?
I hope Nokia isn't like Microsoft, where now WinForms is almost totally replaced with WPF. I think WinForms has many advantages over WPF, eg. loading time. I imagine that the classic QtGui has many advantages over QML (at least at this point). I hope that both will continue to be available.
My impression (Disclaimer: I never used Qt Quick so far for my work!) is that it is great for non-standard UIs, independent of where those run. It should make sense to check out Qt Quick for any highly styled application.
If you want "full platform integration" (widgets that behave like in other applications on the system) then I would at this time prefer the classic widgets.
Adobe lightroom looks like it would need a lot of customization and styling... so why not take a day or two to prototype something in Qt Quick? Styling is way simpler there!
About speed: Quick is meant to work great on mobile devices, so it should perform well on a desktop machine:-)
[quote author="Denis Kormalev" date="1288824473"]QML is something that you can use as a base of your UI and insert classic widgets where it will be needed (for example if you will want some controls like sliders or checkboxes or spinboxes).[/quote]
Are you sure? I saw many examples for use QML components into a classic app via QDevlarativeView, but none for use qt classic widgets in a QML app.
[quote author="Cochise" date="1290101202"]
Are you sure? I saw many examples for use QML components into a classic app via QDevlarativeView, but none for use qt classic widgets in a QML app.
[/quote]You can put your QWidgets inside QGraphicsProxyWidgets, then register them as QML components.
Cochise, yes, I'm sure. We are using QML in this way. Main part of GUI is in QML and sometimes there are injections of classic widgets via graphics proxy widgets.
UPD: anselmolsm, or simply insert them as children of root Object, it also works if you don't need a lot of work with them in qml.
[quote author="Denis Kormalev" date="1290105154"]
UPD: anselmolsm, or simply insert them as children of root Object, it also works if you don't need a lot of work with them in qml.[/quote]Yep, it also works. I think we should create a wiki page about it with examples, it is not the first time I see this question here in the DevNet Forum. (I won't put the example here because it is not the main subject of this topic :-) )
Cochise, parts of the KDE PIM Mobile use QWidgets in this way. It is not ideal, though.
There are some questions and answers to this topic. I added a section on the wiki page about QML:
"Qt Quick":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Qt_Quick