Using replace function
I'm trying to remove space in a string using "replace" function in my project file. I tried a lot of different things like:
myNewVariable = bla bla
myNewVariable = $$replace($${myOldVariable}, " ", "")
myNewVariable = bla bla
myNewVariable = $$replace(myOldVariable," ","")
myNewVariable = bla bla
myNewVariable = $$replace(myOldVariable,' ','')
myNewVariable = bla bla
SPACE = ' '
EMPTY = ''
myNewVariable = $$replace($${myOldVariable}, $${SPACE},$${EMPTY})
myNewVariable = bla bla
SPACE = ' '
EMPTY = ''
myNewVariable = $$replace(myOldVariable,SPACE,EMPTY)
Each time I get myNewVariable empty.Did I miss something ? Is it something not possible to do with replace function ?
Sorry for bad edition I was meaning:
myNewVariable = bla bla
myNewVariable = $$replace(myNewVariable,' ','')
And indeed this is working but it was a bit more complicated for me as I was using "system" function like this:
myOldVariable = "Foo Bar Baz"
myNewVariable = $$system(echo $${myOldVariable} | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')
myNewVariable = $$replace(myNewVariable,' ','')
which prints
Project MESSAGE: foo bar baz
but this:
myOldVariable = "Foo Bar Baz"
myNewVariable = "$$system(echo $${myOldVariable} | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')"
myNewVariable = $$replace(myNewVariable,' ','')
correctly prints:
Project MESSAGE: foobarbaz
But the best way to do the trick for me is like that:
myOldVariable = "Foo Bar Baz"
myNewVariable = $$lower($$myOldVariable)
myNewVariable = $$replace(myNewVariable,' ','')
@It's such a shame that functions like "lower" or "upper" are not documented in the official documentation at Is there good reasons for that? For those looking for more documentation about qmake you can have a look at