QML to .exe
I am trying to move from my simple QML files to a windows .exe that I can pass on to management for review. I installed the Visual Studio add-in but it looks like it wants to open a .pro file. All I have is .qml and .qmlproject. Could someone point me in the right direction of what needs done?
You can write small wrapper (I think Creator already can do it automatically, but not sure) for showing qml.
If you could provide me with some more details of how exactly to get from the .qml files to a usable .exe, that would be helpful. Thanks,
something like (not tested, just coded here in reply form)
int main (int argc, char **argv)
QApplication app(argc,argv);
QDeclarativeView view("/path/to/your/Example.qml");
view.resize(500,500); //this and prev lines are needed only if you don't have sizes in root element of your qml
return app.exec();
@ -
Can I compile this in any compiler?
I don't think that compiler can be problem here. Just make sure you have all needed in your env variables.
Where can I download all the environment variables? While I tried to compile, I got a QApplication undeclared error.
you have to include them. Sorry I forgot them.
#include <QApplication>
#include <QDeclarativeView>
@Also don't forget to add gui and declarative to QT var in your .pro file.
Please excuse my ignorance but you will have to explain the last sentence you wrote. I do not have a .pro file, do I need one?
Yes, you need a .pro file.
Again, forgive my beginner questions but how do I create one? What is it?
Save code I wrote you before as main.cpp and run in folder with it
qmake -project
@It will create a .pro file. Open it and find QT var. I think it will contain only
QT += core gui
make it
QT += core gui declarative
@After it run qmake in this folder with name of .pro file as argument. And after it run make (or nmake, if you are using msvc compiler).
I did every step up until the make command which returned:
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. -
Is there Makefile file created after ?
qmake yourproject.pro
@ -
the command executes without an error, but I don't see a makefile
What files fo you have in your folder after running this command?
1.qml Keyboard.qml
10.qml Map.qml
11.qml MenuTabText.qml
12.qml MenuText.qml
13.qml MenuTitle.qml
2.qml PanMap.qml
25.qml QML.pro
3.qml QMLFinal.qml
4.qml QMLFinal.qmlproject
5.qml QMLFinal.qmlproject.user
6.qml RandNumGenerator.qml
7.qml SetupBars.qml
8.qml SetupBlack.qml
9.qml TabMenu.qml
Back.qml WidgetLarge.qml
CheckBox.qml WidgetSmall.qml
Dashboard.qml build
DropDown.qml keyboard.png
Front.qml main.cpp
GPSWidget.qml main.h
HomeText.qml map.png
Info.plist -
so you run in this folder
qmake QML.pro
and nothing new appears?
If yes then sorry, but I can't help with problem. Maybe some one more familiar with windows can. -
Try to open this .pro in QtCreator and build it there. I think it will help you.