How to handle a row click in TableView 2.0?
General and Desktop
How to handle a row click in TableView 2.0?
I use DelegateChooser with different delegates for all coulmns:
TableView { id: table anchors.fill: parent columnSpacing: 1 rowSpacing: 3 clip: true property var columnWidths: [100, 90, 90, 60, 60]; columnWidthProvider: function (column) { return columnWidths[column] } delegate: DelegateChooser { role: "type" DelegateChoice { roleValue: "pair" delegate: Text { ... } } DelegateChoice { roleValue: "price" delegate: Text { ... } } ...
but need to handle a click not on a particular cell, but on entire row and access the row data from the click handler. How to implement this?