Insert record into QSqlTableModel
@JonB Hi, thank you for your patience. My intention is to insert a record in the current row of tablemodel, but it is always appended to the end.
The relevant code is this sentence:tableModel->insertRecord(currentRowIndex, record)
That's what the help manual says:
bool QSqlTableModel::insertRecord(int row, const QSqlRecord &record) Inserts the record at position row. If row is negative, the record will be appended to the end.
But the test result is: no matter what the value of “row” is, record is always appended to the end.
As I said, this may depend on when you do this with regard to when you submit your changes to the backend, which may cause the value to be altered. Print out what the value of the PK auto-increment is after you insert, or more to the point after you submit.Purely at a guess, comment out your
record.setGenerated(Table::PrimaryKey, true); // true
, and even yourrecord.field(Table::PrimaryKey).setAutoValue(true);
. Does this make a difference to whether it respects your value if you pass in a "missing" middle one? -
@JonB The test result is: Whether "setGenerated" and "setAutoValue" are commented out or not, the primary key is always 0 before insertion. I think that's why we can't meet our expectations.
So I'm confused about "setGenerated" and "setAutoValue", don't they mean automatic generation of primary keys? -
@tovax said in Insert record into QSqlTableModel:
So I'm confused about "setGenerated" and "setAutoValue", don't they mean automatic generation of primary keys?
@JonB When I manually set a non duplicate value for the primary key, the record can be correctly inserted into the current row.
Yes, they mean auto-generation. So they generate the next number, not some "middle" one! As you say, if you want to "force in" your own, missing number then you cannot ask it to auto-generate the value for you!
You can probably disable auto-generate, insert your explicit one, and then re-enable auto-generate from then on?
I will say one thing: you should not really be trying to do this at all! You're not "supposed" to go back and re-insert auto-gen keys if you have deleted one.Imagine you have one million rows. One of them has a "gap". How are you going to find that gap one? If you have to do it client/Qt side, the only way is to read all one million into the client and iterate them to find any gap. Not a good idea! Even if you try to use server-side SQL code to avoid downloading them all, I don't think your SQL will offer any (efficient) way of discovering the gap. So maybe thing again....??
@tovax said in Insert record into QSqlTableModel:
How can I insert a record in the current row, please?
What do you mean? A record is a row. Do you want to update a row?
Listen carefully! :) To emulate rows in Excel, you should not use any auto-incremented primary key in the database! That is not the way to do it, and leads to your "missing row" problem.Instead, you must your own "row number" integer variable as a column. But not auto-incremented. Instead, you must fill it with the desired row number. And if you insert a row you must write code to renumber all the subsequent ones to allow for this one to go in, and if you delete a row you must write code to decerment all the higher ones to close the gap.
Trust me :D
@JonB Thank you very much! According to your suggestion, I have implemented the insertion function. As you said, the primary key not auto-incremented, and renumber primary key before inserting.
Best regards!void JCDemoDatabase::onInsertClicked() { qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << tableView->currentIndex().row(); // current row int32_t currentRowIndex = tableView->currentIndex().row(); // prepare insert primary key tableModel->database().transaction(); insertPrimaryKey(tableModel, currentRowIndex); // new record QSqlRecord record = tableModel->record(); for (int32_t columnIndex = Table::Field::Min; columnIndex <= Table::Field::Max; columnIndex++) { record.setValue(Table::FieldText[columnIndex], QString("---")); } record.setValue(Table::PrimaryKey, currentRowIndex + 1); // insert new record if (!tableModel->insertRecord(currentRowIndex, record)) { qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Error 1: " << tableModel->lastError().text(); } // submit all if (tableModel->submitAll()) { tableModel->database().commit(); } else { tableModel->database().rollback(); qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Error 2: " << tableModel->lastError().text(); } }
int32_t JCDemoDatabase::insertPrimaryKey(QSqlTableModel *model, int32_t row) { // TODO: invalid // model->record(rowIndex).setValue(Table::PrimaryKey, (rowIndex + 1)); // key int32_t oldMax = model->record(model->rowCount() - 1).value(Table::PrimaryKey).toInt(); int32_t newMax = model->rowCount() + 1; if (oldMax < newMax) { oldMax = newMax; } // backup for (int32_t rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < model->rowCount(); rowIndex++) { QSqlRecord record = model->record(rowIndex); record.setValue(Table::PrimaryKey, oldMax + 1 + rowIndex); model->setRecord(rowIndex, record); } if (model->submitAll()) { model->database().commit(); } else { model->database().rollback(); qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << 1 << model->lastError().text(); } // less than "row" for (int32_t rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < row; rowIndex++) { QSqlRecord record = model->record(rowIndex); record.setValue(Table::PrimaryKey, rowIndex + 1); model->setRecord(rowIndex, record); } if (model->submitAll()) { model->database().commit(); } else { model->database().rollback(); qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << 2 << model->lastError().text(); } // reserve row for currentRowIndex // greater than "row" for (int32_t rowIndex = row; rowIndex < model->rowCount(); rowIndex++) { QSqlRecord record = model->record(rowIndex); record.setValue(Table::PrimaryKey, rowIndex + 2); model->setRecord(rowIndex, record); } if (model->submitAll()) { model->database().commit(); } else { model->database().rollback(); qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << 3 << model->lastError().text(); } return row + 1; }
Hmm, I'm a bit worried about your algorithm. Depends how this works in your database, and how the updates/transactions work, but....I see when you insert you renumber upwards. If this is a unique/primary key, that will keep "bumping into" the number above which already exists (hasn't been renumbered yet). Which might error?
If it were me: to renumber for an insert I would start from the highest number, increment that, prodceed downward through the numbers. To renumber for a delete, I would start from one above the delete, decrement, then proceed upward till the last row. Makes sense?
Of course, your approach is incredibly slow (at least for a remote/full database, not just a local file) across a large number of rows. I take it you are not concerned about having a thousand or a million of them....?
A key in a db is there so it gets not reused. It's somehow contradicts the reason for a primary key... If a column with an id is deleted this id should not be used again. I also don't see why it should be needed in your case at all.
(I believe) the reason is the OP is wanting to emulate "inserting a row of data in Excel table". So he wants a row number of some description to get the ordering. Which I have said he should implement himself, not make auto-increment do it. (He might still use an auto-inc for the PK to identify the row if he wishes, but a dedicated unique column for the ordered row number usage.)