Just to make sure: Does the deployed version of Qt5Widgets.dll match your application's Qt version?
Thanks people,the problem I mentioned above it's been solved now.However my application is expected to be connected to sql database.Before deployment,it was well connected to the database but after, running it outside qt creater environment now ,it has lost its connection with the database.What can be the cause?what could be missing? And what can be the solution? Please help.Thanks in advance.
What can be the cause?what could be missing? And what can be the solution?
Please search the forum - it's full of exactly this question.
Hint: you most likely forgot to deploy the plugin (by not using windeployqt) or some dlls are missing by the plugin -> Dependency Walker -
Thanks for your help .But in terms of windeplopqt ,I have used it already .But
I don't have much knowledge on how to work with plugins,any help on this can be appreciated.I will try to look at the posted topic on this forum.