Limit browsing inside domain
Hello all,
I'm developing a kiosk machine and I need to navigate on a local page and eventually a defined domain. I'd like to write a simple Qt app with WebKit module.Is it possible with WebKit and related to limit browsing and achieve what I need?
Thanks! -
If you want to stick with QtWebKit you may have to wait for @Konstantin-Tokarev to read this. Are you aware of QtWebEngine,, which is what Qt > 5.5 now ships with out-of-the-box? -
@SteMMo said in Limit browsing inside domain:
eventually a defined domain.
If the domain is predefined beforehand, why would you let the users type it or anything else?
I'd just provide a way for them to select such predefined domain via a link/button/etc. pointing to such location
@Pablo-J-Rogina I need to explain:
the kiosk needs to show two kind of pages:- a registration form
- a public web site that contains some links that bring the normal user out of the portal, but not the user in front of the kiosk.
@JonB now the browser is a QML object so I have the WebEngineView object; I don't know how to access to QWebEnginePage object ..