webassembly build fails
ubuntu 20.04
Qt 5.15.0
emscripten 1.39.8
I followed the instructions here: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/wasm.html to install and activate emscripten 1.39.8 and installed Qt 5.15.0 open source from the Qt downloads page.
I created a qt quick project but could not select the webassembly kit (grayed out)
Under Manage kits (webassembly) I could see that the compilers were empty (<No compiler>)
I tried to add them manually: I added emsdk/upstream/bin/clang++ for the c++ compiler and emsdk/upstream/bin/clang for the C compiler.
back on the kits page I was now able to add the webassembly C++ compiler, but not the C compiler.
I tried to build anyway and get this error::-1: error:Qt/5.15.0/wasm_32/plugins/platforms/libqwasm.a: error adding symbols: file format not recognized
Can anybody point me in the right direction for fixing this?
@amphi u can try to put emscripten configuration file in home directory (~.emscripten) and Qt creator should be able to find emscripten automatically. But I did it on Win10, might be the same issue for ubuntu (https://forum.qt.io/topic/117580/build-simple-qml-on-webassembly )