Internal Drag'n'Drop (move) in QListView and Undo-Redo
Qt supports internal drag'n'drop in QListView.
Qt provides good Undo-Redo framework.Is it possible to simply integrate these two features? How to implement internal move (drag'n'drop in the same list) with undo-redo support?
I know how to do this "from scratch", I am looking for pretty solution.
Try taking these steps:
Implement the internal drag & drop. Make sure it does what you need.
Define undo/redo points & actions
Add undo/redo stack to model
Add interface & GUI for undo/redo
When the same model also supports moving data from one to another model, you should take a more complex approach, possibly with the undo stack in the top-level widget. Important thing is to learn to use them separately before you integrate them. It helps you keep overview of things. Make a small application that uses the undo stack in a different context so you get a proper feel for how it works.
Maybe this one helps: "Using Undo/Redo with Item Views":
[quote author="Franzk" date="1290084294"]Maybe this one helps: "Using Undo/Redo with Item Views":[/quote]
Thank you. Not exactly what I want, but very good article. Idea of using Proxy models is intersecting.