QVariant::save/load: unable to save type X
Can you describe data, which you insert in QListWidgetItem as QVariant?
A graphicsitem that inherits from QObject and QGraphicsPixmapItem.
you must register your data: @qRegisterMetaType(), qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators()@
are you insert graphicsitem as pointer?
Yes, as pointer. I cast QObject* when i set data.
I think i solved the problem. First, i look pointer classes like QPointer, QSharedDataPointer etc for stream operators that needed by qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators. I haven't found any. Then i set data as qint32. It works fine but storing pointers with qint32 type seems little weird.
Btw, item that has data with unregistered type and QAstractItemView::defaultDropAction set to IgnoreAction or CopyAction or LinkAction causes segmentation fault. Is this a desired behaviour?
If you just copy around pointers it might be that the original object has been deleted already and you work on a dangling pointer then.
A segmentation fault is never a desired behavior :-)
I think it is not desired too. Object is not deleted btw. I'll report this issue.
Are you sure, it is not deleted? Did you consider using a debugger to look where the segfault pops up? You'll get a nice stack trace that leads you to the misbehaving line of code.
Yes i am sure object is not deleted. Object's pointer is not important. QListWidget doesn't try to access my custom object. It just stores my object's memory address. I made data type to qint64 btw. qint32 is not enough.
You should use a debugger to see where the segfault happens (access to which object in which place, etc.) We can't help any further on that. It's unlikely to be a bug in the Qt libs as thousands of programmers use this code without any problems.
"bug report":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-15265
I added sample code at comment. You can try quickly.
Nobody can produce an executable from this snippet.
You should create a minimal, complete project to demonstrate the problem.
And could you please tell us if you used a debugger to look where and on which object the segfault happened?
I used debugger and didn't get any useful information. My project that produces this bug: "project":http://rapidshare.com/files/430390643/qlistwidgetitem_test.zip
Instead of
item->setData( Qt::UserRole, QVariant::fromValue( ( QObject* ) new Foo() ) );
@set your data this way:
item->setData( Qt::UserRole, QVariant::fromValue( reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(new Foo()) ) );
@See the API Docs for a detailed description of "quintptr":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qtglobal.html#quintptr-typedef when you get the value back from the item you must cast it back to the original pointer type with
reinterpret_cast<Foo *>(value);
@ -
Sorry for late answer, notification mail didn't come or i didn't see it. Thanks for quintptr, it is more appropriate than qint64. I couldn't find documentation for reinterpret_cast btw. Could you send me link if you know where it is?
You can find some nice infos on "cplusplus.com":http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/typecasting/, also the example is taken from somewhere of the Qt sources, to be honest :-)
C Christian Ehrlicher referenced this topic on 20 Sept 2023, 11:53