QtMobility build errors on Mac
I am planning to use QtMobility for iCalendar input. I will be adding it to a scratch-built environment. I would suspect you will have to scratch-build a "sandbox" to use it. The pre-bundled setup is OK for simple stuff and to become familiar with the tools, but there are so many possibilities, it would be really tough to pre-build a bundle that covers all possibilities.
I would consider posting info about how I build my environment. That should help you along.
I was not able to build all of qt mobility with the bundled qt - but at least multimedia should be no problem
List all your modules here, I could not get location working out of the box
./configure -modules "multimedia gallery" -prefix /Developer/
make install
Henrik -
Hi Henrik,
Thanks for the command line. I did try (successfully) building the multimedia module, but I don't think I set the prefix the way you did. I ended up getting a multimedia library that Qt Creator found (the underlining went away) but when I tried to run my QML app, the library couldn't be loaded. I think there might be some difference with the Qt version used to build mutlimedia and the one used by my Qt Creator...I'll have to check on that.
I will also try building with the prefix that you've mentioned...being a newbie to Macs, I wasn't really sure what to put there...sure would be nice if the docs suggested a little more about that.
Jon -
Yeah, prebuilt mac binaries would be super good ;)
I was having this same problem to build Qt Mobility on my OS X 10.6 and found the solution following another topic:
"http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/1516":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/1516A bug was reported:
"http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTMOBILITY-688":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTMOBILITY-688and the 1.1 branch has it fixed:
"http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-mobility/qt-mobility/commits/1.1":http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-mobility/qt-mobility/commits/1.1Good luck ;)
I now can build all modules using