Progressbar - How can I change the content item color of an indeterminate progres bar
My issue is very simple. On a qml interface using the Qt Quick Controls 2.14 I have this code:
ProgressBar { id: progressBar x: 250 width: 275 height: 4 anchors.topMargin: 322 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter indeterminate: true smooth: true background: Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "#5a516e" } }
Which gives this marquee progress bar:
But I need this one:
I spent my afternoon to find how to achieve that, without success, because no color property is available. And overriding the contentItem property seems to not provide a solution in my case, unless I want to rewrite the whole indeterminate state manually.
So can someone explain me how to just change the color of my progress bar content?
I'm tired, it's late, my eyes are crusty, but try the following;
Create a file called 'qtquickcontrols2.conf', populate it with the following text and place it directly into your project folder;
[Controls] Style=Material [Universal] Theme= Accent= Foreground= Background= [Material] Theme= Accent= Variant= Primary= Foreground= Background= [Fusion] Palette\Window= Palette\WindowText=
While in your project folder, you need to append the 'qml.qrc' file with the following line;
Then, basically, you need to add only one line to your existing code, as follows;
Material.accent: Material.Purple
My complete code with the above line added into the code;
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.12 Window { visible: true width: 640; height: 480 color: "grey" title: qsTr("Colour progress bar") ProgressBar { id: progressBar x: 250; width: 475; height: 44 anchors { top: topMargin: 322 horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } indeterminate: true; smooth: true Material.accent: Material.Purple background: Rectangle { color: "black" radius: 3 } } }
Try setting the
color ( -
I'm tired, it's late, my eyes are crusty, but try the following;
Create a file called 'qtquickcontrols2.conf', populate it with the following text and place it directly into your project folder;
[Controls] Style=Material [Universal] Theme= Accent= Foreground= Background= [Material] Theme= Accent= Variant= Primary= Foreground= Background= [Fusion] Palette\Window= Palette\WindowText=
While in your project folder, you need to append the 'qml.qrc' file with the following line;
Then, basically, you need to add only one line to your existing code, as follows;
Material.accent: Material.Purple
My complete code with the above line added into the code;
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.12 Window { visible: true width: 640; height: 480 color: "grey" title: qsTr("Colour progress bar") ProgressBar { id: progressBar x: 250; width: 475; height: 44 anchors { top: topMargin: 322 horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } indeterminate: true; smooth: true Material.accent: Material.Purple background: Rectangle { color: "black" radius: 3 } } }
@Jkimmy said in Progressbar - How can I change the content item color of an indeterminate progres bar:
Try setting the palette.dark color (
I just tried to do that, unfortunately it doesn't work, or I didn't understood how to achieve that. The
component contains effectively a palette property, but trying to change the palette.dark property causes a "this property does not exists" error.I also tried to write a .conf file and to change the color value, but nothing happened.
Can you please explain how I may change this color?
@Markkyboy Thank you very much, it works!
@jeanmilost said in Progressbar - How can I change the content item color of an indeterminate progres bar:
@Markkyboy Thank you very much, it works!
You're welcome!
@Jkimmy said in Progressbar - How can I change the content item color of an indeterminate progres bar:
import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14ApplicationWindow {
visible: trueProgressBar { indeterminate: true palette.dark: "blue" anchors.centerIn: parent }
huh, this works for me too and is a much simpler approach than mine. Although, I notice 'palette' is underlined with a warning saying "palette" does not have members. (M17) but the code compiles anyway! +1
I am now able to set my import statements to versions 2.14 but previously I got an error and would set them back to versions 2.12. I also note that I usually use 'Window' not 'ApplicationWindow', maybe that is the difference?, but how to get rid of the ' "palette" does not have members(M17) ' warning would be nice.
Ah, looks like I have answered my own query, see here regarding 'palette' and 'ApplicationWindow';
For info I found also another alternative:
... import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls.Material.impl 2.12 ... ProgressBar { ... id: pbProgress contentItem: ProgressBarImpl { implicitHeight: pbProgress.height anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 0 scale: pbProgress.mirrored ? -1 : 1 progress: pbProgress.position indeterminate: pbProgress.visible && pbProgress.indeterminate color: "#5014ad" } ... }