Add widget to layout with 0 weight/size
General and Desktop
Is there an easy way to add a widget to a layout with 0 weight?
My scenario: I want a title QLabel and a small "edit" button to the right of it. I want the title QLabel to be horizontally centered, with the edit button to be to the far right. If I use stretch factors, it still accounts for the edit buttons size, so the QLabel won't be truly centered.
I figured out a way to do it using QGridLayout since you can add widgets to the same cell.
QLabel *title = new QLabel("Title", this); QLabel *edit = new QLabel("edit", this); QGridLayout *titleLayout = new QGridLayout; titleLayout->addWidget(title, 0, 0, Qt::AlignCenter); titleLayout->addWidget(edit, 0, 0, Qt::AlignRight);