Transfer application with different languages
@Leopold said in Transfer application with different languages:
I had them in an extra directory inside the working directory
It's hard to visualize if you don't show the folder structure...
Anyway, if it's working on your dev machine, please replicate the same folder structure in the other PC. I mean have that "extra directory" in the same relative path to your executable
@Leopold please stick to one approach at a time, either separate .qm files in the folder or using the resource system.
this is my directory now!
Is that the development structure, or the target PC? Please be more specific on your posts, to avoid question after question...
Let's try the resource system approach once you solved the separate files first (since that's what you have already working on your dev machine)
@Leopold ok, so instead of trying to fix the separate .qm files issue (as you have that working on your dev machine) you moved into the resource system...
Anyway, so now please show how you're installing the translation given the user selected a new language
Hi Pablo,
this is part of my mainwindow.cpp where I load the qm files. mems-rosco2.2.4 are my sources.Do I have to include a spezial file for use of resources?if(translatorFr.load("e:/QT-examples/mems-rosco2.2.4/Transfile_fr.qm")) qDebug()<<"successfully load translation_fr file."; if(translatorGe.load("e:/QT-examples/mems-rosco2.2.4/Transfile_ge.qm")) qDebug()<<"successfully load translation_ge file."; if(translatorEsp.load("e:/QT-examples/mems-rosco2.2.4/Transfile_esp.qm")) qDebug()<<"successfully load translation_esp file."; and these are my sources ```da---- 21.07.2018 14:55 analogwidgets d----- 21.07.2018 14:55 bin d----- 21.07.2018 14:55 CMakeFiles d----- 13.04.2020 16:47 language da---- 21.07.2018 14:55 qledindicator -a---- 12.04.2020 10:42 3587 aboutbox.cpp -a---- 12.04.2020 10:42 1098 aboutbox.h -a---- 13.04.2020 16:57 9979 CMakeLists.txt -a---- 13.04.2020 19:25 27069 CMakeLists.txt.user -a---- 01.07.2018 18:29 2319 cmake_install.cmake -a---- 20.04.2016 07:47 222 commonunits.h -a---- 30.06.2018 15:35 3753 CPackConfig.cmake -a---- 30.06.2018 15:35 4265 CPackSourceConfig.cmake -a---- 15.05.2016 18:00 456 dialog.h -a---- 26.02.2018 15:29 3923 dirview.cpp -a---- 20.03.2018 15:31 87 global.cpp -a---- 20.03.2018 15:40 158 global.h -a---- 13.04.2020 16:57 3644 help.html -a---- 13.04.2020 08:35 3656 -a---- 03.07.2018 07:54 78 help.ts -a---- 20.04.2016 07:47 1051 helpviewer.cpp -a---- 20.04.2016 07:47 528 helpviewer.h -a---- 20.04.2016 07:47 9539 key.png -a---- 29.12.2015 01:29 120334 libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll -a---- 13.04.2020 11:17 62592 librosco.dll -a---- 28.12.2015 23:25 1540622 libstdc++-6.dll -a---- 29.12.2015 01:29 79360 libwinpthread-1.dll -a---- 20.04.2016 07:47 33095 LICENSE -a---- 03.07.2018 07:53 78 license.ts -a---- 30.06.2018 15:35 33095 LICENSE.TXT -a---- 01.05.2016 18:55 0 listview.cpp -a---- 01.05.2016 18:53 0 listview.h -a---- 02.07.2018 19:48 5734 Lizens.txt -a---- 22.08.2019 09:15 6526 logger.cpp -a---- 04.04.2019 19:40 719 logger.h -a---- 20.05.2018 20:14 200 main.cpp -a---- 13.04.2020 17:10 474475 mainwindow.cpp -a---- 13.04.2020 11:38 8045 mainwindow.h -a---- 13.04.2020 11:45 140849 mainwindow.ui -a---- 01.07.2018 18:31 24318 Makefile -a---- 15.08.2017 10:30 2093 manometer.h -a---- 01.12.2016 13:40 496476 Martin1.txt -a---- 01.07.2018 18:31 28998 mems-rosco.cbp -a---- 27.04.2016 17:59 29 memsgauge.includes -a---- 13.04.2020 11:38 10924 memsinterface.cpp -a---- 13.04.2020 11:38 3197 memsinterface.h -a---- 26.02.2018 15:07 2122 mytreewidget.cpp -a---- 30.03.2018 20:15 1238 mytreewidget.h -a---- 02.09.2018 18:45 3812 optionsdialog.cpp -a---- 20.04.2016 07:47 1436 optionsdialog.h -a---- 15.08.2017 14:12 5093 plotwindow.cpp -a---- 15.08.2017 13:24 2420 plotwindow.h -a---- 07.08.1983 02:00 3822 qabstractprintdialog.h -a---- 01.07.2018 09:20 1118742 qcustomplot.cpp -a---- 04.09.2017 02:02 266925 qcustomplot.h -a---- 20.04.2016 07:47 3445 qledindicator.cpp -a---- 20.04.2016 07:47 2888 qledindicator.h -a---- 07.08.1983 02:00 3390 qprintdialog.h -a---- 07.08.1983 02:00 11012 qprinter.h -a---- 31.03.2018 12:27 5421056 Qt5Core.dll -a---- 18.01.2017 21:50 5307392 Qt5Gui.dll -a---- 18.01.2017 21:56 6350848 Qt5Widgets.dll -a---- 02.07.2018 12:28 1097680 qwindows.dll -a---- 13.04.2020 08:35 4152 README -a---- 03.07.2018 07:55 78 readme.ts -a---- 13.04.2020 08:18 4297 README.TXT -a---- 13.04.2020 19:24 386 resources.qrc -a---- 01.09.2017 14:14 178 resources.qrc.depends -a---- 13.04.2020 10:38 10063 rosco.h -a---- 20.04.2016 07:47 2991 serialdevenumerator.cpp -a---- 20.04.2016 07:47 255 serialdevenumerator.h -a---- 01.07.2018 11:01 58025 Transfile_de.qm -a---- 01.07.2018 11:01 65063 Transfile_de.ts -a---- 01.07.2018 10:00 68953 transfile_en.ts -a---- 01.07.2018 09:56 13793 transfile_encpp.ts -a---- 01.07.2018 09:56 55272 transfile_enui.ts -a---- 02.07.2018 19:31 65143 Transfile_esp.qm -a---- 02.07.2018 19:31 85796 transfile_esp.ts -a---- 05.07.2018 17:43 63003 Transfile_fr.qm -a---- 05.07.2018 17:43 85570 transfile_fr.ts -a---- 03.07.2018 11:02 60281 Transfile_ge.qm -a---- 03.07.2018 11:01 83643 Transfile_ge.ts -a---- 10.02.2018 08:52 8537 window.cpp -a---- 10.02.2018 08:53 899 window.h -a---- 26.08.2013 02:02 131598 zlib1.dll