QProcess and stdout
Just to make sure and kinda simulate what is going on with the redirection, please go into a Command Prompt and just verify howD:\youtube-dl.exe | more
behaves? Also, just in case,D:\youtube-dl.exe <nul
Then, comment out all your redirection code. First things first, we are wanting to just get the
signal, which you are saying you aren't getting.Also check when it "hangs" that you can see the
process running in Task Manager.These are the things I can think of that I would verify.
@JonB said in QProcess and stdout:
Just to make sure and kinda simulate what is going on with the redirection, please go into a Command Prompt and just verify howD:\youtube-dl.exe | more
behaves? Also, just in case,D:\youtube-dl.exe <nul
Then, comment out all your redirection code. First things first, we are wanting to just get the
signal, which you are saying you aren't getting.Also check when it "hangs" that you can see the
process running in Task Manager.These are the things I can think of that I would verify
D:`youtube-dl.exe | more executed in a cmd behaves the same as without | more, that is printing the usage message.
I commented the stdout and stderr redirections and the lines relative to the channels, still i got no signal emitted for process done. I can't see any process hanging in the task manager, probably youtube-dl going to fast to shutdown..
probably youtube-dl going to fast to shutdown
It's not supposed to work that way. So long as you have your slots set up before you
, which you seem to have done.Hmm. I don't get that you are not seeing
, yet, say,waitForFinished()
is concluding.I haven't used it myself but there is also signal
, https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qprocess.html#stateChanged. See what states that reports it going through?There is no chance that you are deleting that
elsewhere than infinished
, is there?I'm not a C++ expert, certainly not on lambdas. Example at https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qprocess.html#finished shows:
connect(process, QOverload<int, QProcess::ExitStatus>::of(&QProcess::finished), [=](int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus){ /* ... */ });
QOverload<int, QProcess::ExitStatus>
does not seem to match yourQOverload<int>
? Try with theirs?Finally, check with some quite different
elsewhere (preferably producing some output), is the behaviour different from withyoutube-dl.exe
? -
The overload is simply a deprecated one, i can surely try with theirs, nothing happened, still no finished signal.
I added a piece of code for the stateChanged signal, here's the output:
my state is now: QProcess::Starting my state is now: QProcess::Running STARTED
As you suggested i tried with other stuff. Notepad opens notepad as expected.
However, gcc, which behave the same without arguments (that is priting a message about no input file) does the exact same thing: goes through starting and running phase, but i'm not able to capture the output nor does it send the finished signal.If i add waitForFinished with the gcc process call, it does put the process in the NotRunning state and fires the event, but still, no output is shown.
Dunno! :( I have used all this stuff and it works OK. Your code looks OK to me. So long as you guarantee yourQProcess * ytdl = new QProcess()
is not allowingdelete ytdl
from anywhere after you have called theytdl->start()
:) And, your code does return to the main Qt event loop after thestart()
, doesn't it?If it were me, this would be bugging me now! Replace your redirection code &
handlers withsetStandardOutput/ErrorFile()
calls. Send them to separate files/channels, for simplicity. See whether you ever get the output in those files or not.... -
Well to be sure i wasn't killing the process anywhere i basically moved its creation in the main just to test the outcome of this 'bug'.
This is my 'main.cpp' code
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); SoundboardMainUI container; QProcess * ytdl = new QProcess(); QObject::connect(ytdl,&QProcess::started, [=]{ qDebug() << "STARTED"; }); QObject::connect(ytdl, QOverload<int, QProcess::ExitStatus>::of(&QProcess::finished), [=]{ qDebug() << "Youtubedl ended nam"; ytdl->deleteLater(); }); QObject::connect(ytdl,&QProcess::errorOccurred, [=](QProcess::ProcessError error){ qDebug() << "Error:" << error; }); QObject::connect(ytdl, &QProcess::stateChanged, [=](QProcess::ProcessState newState){ qDebug() << "my state is now:" << newState; }); ytdl->setWorkingDirectory(QApplication::applicationDirPath()); ytdl->start("gcc"); QFile css_dark(":/css/resources/darkorange.css"); css_dark.open(QFile::ReadOnly); app.setStyleSheet(css_dark.readAll()); css_dark.close(); MSG msg; QPixmap pixmap(":/icon/resources/forsenAim.png"); app.processEvents(); while(GetMessage(&msg,nullptr,0,0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); if (msg.message == WM_HOTKEY) container.winHotKeyPressed(static_cast<int>(msg.wParam)); } // Re-send post quit message or the app runs as a daemon for some reason PostQuitMessage(0); return app.exec(); }
Trying with output and error files.
gcc seems to be correct://stderr.txt gcc: fatal error: no input files compilation terminated.
stdout.txt is empty
With youtube-dl.exe:
//stderr.txt Usage: youtube-dl.exe [OPTIONS] URL [URL...] youtube-dl.exe: error: You must provide at least one URL. Type youtube-dl --help to see a list of all options.
stdout is empty.
Once again the output with file is correct...
What could be going on ? :/
@Devolution said in QProcess and stdout:
What could be going on ? :/
What's all this
(not so bad) but then horror:
?! :(
Get rid of all that Windows-y stuff, test your code as it should be just returning to the main event loop. That must surely be interfering with Qt messages?
(E.g. the "process finished" Windows event is getting eaten in the
loop? You don't ever exit theGetMessage()
loop till quit anyway, so you don't reachapp.exec();
till after quit! I don't understand how you're expecting the code to behave, or why you're doing that stuff, and I don't want to know!)Your code will not be what
does, which you have said works. You did not say anything about this, isn't it likely to be relevant? You're also doing yourstart()
before going intoapp.exec()
, do it from within. When you have things working that way correctly, then is the time to re-introduce and play with the code as it is now.... -
It didn't interfere with any of my signal and slots so i don't think it's the troublemaker here. I tried it tho, and you were right. This windows shenanigans IS actually messing with the stderr and stdout signals.
I don' t know if that's expected behavior or not (from windows/qt).
The windows-y event loop from windows is there for a reason,as i need it to capture system events: i need capture key stroke, but from everywhere, and not only when the qt application is in focus, which is the behavior QShortcut has, and i didn't find a way native to qt to register "global" shortcuts.
Seems i hit a wall there.
Could i workaround this using another QEventLoop used just for this process?
You have:while (GetMessage()) .... ... return app.exec();
That is a blocking loop, till the user quits. Only then do you allow the Qt main event loop to run (at which point it presumably exits, but that's not relevant). It's not surprising there are problems.
I don't know what you want for what you want to achieve, but clearly this interferes with your process reading/finishing. A very knowledgeable Qt expert better than me suggests you look at https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qabstractnativeeventfilter.html ... :)
Oh thanks, i never found this event filter thing. I'll try to play around with it and replace the sketchy windows loop. If i can render this more platform-agnostic i'd be happy.
Thanks to you and your friend :) I'll mark this as resolved