May I ask, is there a chance that QT will officially support AVIF format in the future?
Support in QT automatically enables many applications to work with AVIF images:
This is a web browser from KDE which opened AVIF picture in website because it is a QT application:
I don't insist that any of future versions of my plug-in to be included, it can be any alternative implementation. The goal is to support AVIF. It seems that browsers will support this format and big players are interested too: Google, Netflix, Facebook (they are mentioning AVIF in the job offer).
You can open AVIF pictures in Windows10 if you installed AV1 Video Extension from Microsoft Store.I used libavif in my plug-in. Libavif needs at least one AV1 encoder and decoder. You can choose libaom, dav1d, rav1e, libgav1.
You should check with the KDE guys to avoid duplicating efforts. The Qt project has the qimageformats module for extra formats.
As I understood for KDE guys it doesn't matter whether AVIF is in kimageformats or in qtimageformats (I know it cannot be in both packages - they install in the same folder). KDE guys answered that it depends on license.
I don't create any additional restrictions beside mentioning license of dependencies I use.
I believe that including AVIF in qtimageformats would be the best for majority.
As they say, you have to check the licence(s) of the dependencies you use to ensure they are compatible with the Qt licences.
Yes, I checked the licenses:
libavif - https://github.com/AOMediaCodec/libavif/blob/master/LICENSE
libaom - https://aomedia.googlesource.com/aom/+/refs/heads/master/LICENSEThese licenses says no warranty, no liability, as-is. There is no restrictions for closed source, no open-source requirements. Only requirement is to retain&reproduce copyright notice of their permissive license.
It is like WEBP license and WEBP is included in qtimageformats already.
So I think it should be OK with https://www.qt.io/licensing/
Looks like it should be ok.
There are some patents but they are free to use. This URL is in AVIF specification:
A there you can find:
http://aomedia.org/license/patent-license/ -
Just letting you know that I continue to improve this AVIF format plug-in.
I will post it again when I finish with things on my TODO list.I want to say that I appreciate the fact that QColorSpace Class was introduced in Qt 5.14 - that's very important for correctly displaying images.
Maybe in the future it will be good to have direct support for modern WCG/HDR colorspaces with PQ & HLG TransferFunctions too. AVIF can use such colorspaces.
I create a new version of the plug-in.
I prepared an illustrated manual how to install the plug-in to KDE and how the applications are able to use the AVIF image format afterwards:
Download link with source (including build script and dependencies - libavif and libaom) are on the webpage too.The new version of the plug-in supports image sequences (animation) too.
I am willing to contribute this code to Qt. AVIF format is practically better than JPEG, GIF, PNG and WEBP together. I believe AVIF deserve to be supported. Many applications would benefit from AVIF if it gets included in Qt.
What can I do so the plug-in would be closer to get accepted by Qt?
@novomeskyd said in My first QT imageformats plug-in for AV1 Image File Format (AVIF):
What can I do so the plug-in would be closer to get accepted by Qt?
Take a look at https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Contribution_Guidelines
Thanks for info.
I still wish the AVIF support to be included in Qt in the future.
In order to get experiences and prepare myself for more complicated steps (from my point of view) I decided to host my project on GitHub ( https://github.com/novomesk/qt-avif-image-plugin ).