Exposing C++ model as Q_PROPERTY ?
Is it possible to expose a C++ model as a Q_PROPERTY.
In my project , i have a class Planning containing a list of Object Palier that i must display as a table in QML. I create a model class for the object Palier.class PalierModel: public QAbstractTableModel { enum PalierDetails{ valueRole=Qt::UserRole, debitRole=Qt::UserRole+1, distanceRole=Qt::UserRole+2, iradTimeRole=Qt::UserRole+3, debutRole=Qt::UserRole+4, finRole=Qt::UserRole+5, tempsMesRole=Qt::UserRole+6 }; public: explicit PalierModel(QObject *parent= Q_NULLPTR); int rowCount(const QModelIndex &index=QModelIndex()) const override; int columnCount(const QModelIndex & = QModelIndex()) const override; QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index,int role=Qt::DisplayRole) const override; Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const override; bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value,int role) override; QHash<int,QByteArray> roleNames() const override; Planning *dataSource() const; void setDataSource(Planning *plan); private: Planning *m_plan; bool m_signalConnected; };
//Planning class
class Planning: public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(int doseParameter READ doseParameter WRITE setDoseParameter NOTIFY doseParameterChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int numOfSteps READ numOfSteps WRITE setNumOfSteps NOTIFY numOfStepsChanged) Q_PROPERTY(double distance READ distance WRITE setDistance NOTIFY distanceChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int timeBetweenSteps READ timeBetweenSteps WRITE setTimeBetweenSteps NOTIFY timeBetweenStepsChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString startManipTime READ startManipTime WRITE setStartManipTime NOTIFY startManipTimeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QTime startHour READ startHour WRITE setStartHour NOTIFY startHourChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QTime endHour READ endHour WRITE setEndHour NOTIFY endHourChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QTime tempsMesure READ tempsMesure WRITE setTempsMesure NOTIFY tempsMesureChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString userName READ userName WRITE setUserName NOTIFY userNameChanged) Q_PROPERTY(PalierModel myModel READ myModel) public: explicit Planning(QObject *parent=Q_NULLPTR); public slots: signals: void doseParameterChanged(int doseParameter); void numOfStepsChanged(int numOfSteps); void distanceChanged(double distance); void timeBetweenStepsChanged(int timeBetweenSteps); void startManipTimeChanged(QString startManipTime); void prePalierAdded(); void postPalierAdded(); void prePalierRemoved(int index); void postPalierRemoved(); void startHourChanged(QTime startHour); void endHourChanged(QTime endHour); void tempsMesureChanged(QTime tempsMesure); void userNameChanged(QString userName); private: QMap<int,Palier*> m_paliers; }; #endif // PLANNING_H
I have a main class manager containing a list of objects Planning that i expose to QML.
#ifndef MANAGER_H #define MANAGER_H #include <QObject> #include "planning.h" class Manager:public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: Manager(QObject *parent=Q_NULLPTR); Q_INVOKABLE Planning * getPlanning(void); public slots: Q_INVOKABLE void addPlanning(int i, Planning * plan); private: QMap<int,QObject*> m_plannings; }; #endif // MANAGER_H
My problem is that i need to display for each object planning a table in my QML. I will have multiple models thus. I'm wondering if i could just expose the model as Q_PROPERTY in classs Planning?
Can anyone help pls? -
@Babs Hi,
Yes you can. You need to expose a pointer as property, and also register the type of the model so it's known by the Qml Engine.
Example :Q_PROPERTY(QMyModel *myModel READ myModel NOTIFY myModelChanged)
You need to register the type before to use it, for example in the main() function:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ QGuiApplication app (argc, argv); qmlRegisterType<MyModel>("MyApp.Core", 1, 0, "MyModel"); //.... loading and initializing QML return app.exec()
Note that NOTIFY sinal is useless but only here to avoid the warning from Qml Engine "depends on non-NOTIFYable properties:"
@Gojir4 said in Exposing C++ model as Q_PROPERTY ?:
Note that NOTIFY sinal is useless but only here to avoid the warning from Qml Engine "depends on non-NOTIFYable properties:"
To avoid this warning, I guess it is better to declare the Q_PROTERTY as constant:
Another side note is to be aware of Data Ownership issues: ensure returned object instance has a parent or use
QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(objectIntance, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership)
to ensure Qml Engine will not take ownership and delete your object instance! -
@Gojir4 said in Exposing C++ model as Q_PROPERTY ?:
You need to register the type before to use it, for example in the main() function:
i think its not mandatory to register it this way
Thanks you all. I'll try to do it.