Features of QT IDE to be improved
I've used Eclipse for KDE development a couple of years ago.
It is full-fledged IDE and has quite a few nice extensions. Nice code completion, debugging, versioning systems support etc. I've missed only one thing in it - speed. And that was the reason I abandoned IDEs altogether.
Qt Creator is the first modern non-beta-software IDE [1] that doesn't feel like swimming upstream most of the time. My first impression about QtCreator was that it feels like a toy (sometime during pre 1.0) but later it turned out to be a toy like Lego Mindstorms - fun to use, but not limiting.
Mind that this was a comment from someone who hasn't used a conventional IDE for any real work for a very long time - I've tested QtC for the fun of it, and I don't really remember all the goodies and quirks of Eclipse I used to know.
[1] Excluding KDevelop as not yet released software
yeah same thing i want to say that visual studio is bloated, still it has nice features and settings user friendly (may be bcoz i m using it from 4 years). debugging is very very helpful and fast.
i've tried eclipse once but, there are so many settings confused at all. back to visual std/QtCreator.
pushpendrak: Sorry, there will be no toolbars in creator! Please use the Menus to discover functionality... in time you will more and more use the keyboard shortcuts and not notice the "missing" toolbars anymore:-)
chetankjain: If something is greyed out in Creator then that means the functionality is not available right now. It is implemented and available in other situations (e.g. when you are using a different version control system for your code, etc.). We do not put stubs into the menus, so please "report a bug":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/ if something is not available when you think it should be.
The menu entry becomes active once at least one bookmark is set. Just click anywhere in the bar before your text (where the breakpoints are displayed) and do "Toggle Bookmark".
The Bookmark menu does contain an entry to "toggle bookmark", so it should actually be always active (when you can toggle a bookmark). Could you please write "a bug report":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/ about this? Thanks!
Just logged "this":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-2468
My feel is there should be some differentiation between source code bookmarks and help doc bookmarks. Naming both as bookmarks and having slightly different behavior in creator is confusing ... of course one will get used to it very soon :)
Code navigation works so well for me that I hardly ever used bookmarks so far:-)
How i can collapse all functions and conditional block in one command?
Which features are you actually missing from Visual Studio? The "Find word in project" one is there, so maybe some of your other wishlist items can be found for you, too:-)
Where is Creator less robust than Visual Studio? Did you experience any crashes? What is less dynamic about Creator?
oh yes, works fine.
thanx a lot again, chetan.
yes it is very dynamic, but accessibility is not so dynamic.. it's good it has short keys, but people don't remember all. if it is provided with contextmenu it will be too gud.
other thing i want to know if it is possible to see the class structure in side bar (for navigation and view)?
It is available in the upcoming Qt Creator 2.1. Check out "the snapshots":ftp://ftp.qt.nokia.com/qtcreator/snapshots/ for an glance at all the new functionality:-)
IMHO having lots and lots of toolbars, toolbuttons it just distracting if You reali need to use a feature and You use it fequentyl You will remember the shortcut. And again as I understand it QtCreators GUI is code focused so no useless thing can distract You from the code (and I love it exactly for being so clean).
I love it too for its simplicity and fastness and cleanliness. :)
pushpendrak: Qt Creator's target audience is developers who often spend several hours a day working inside the tool. I personally think it makes more sense to aim for speed and convenience of use (using keyboard shortcuts, etc.) instead of discoverability.
And features are not hidden either: They are in the menus after all.
yeah great, thnx. i agree
i just downloaded new snapshot of 2.1 creator last night. it got more syntax highlighting, and options/menus
chetankjain: I am a new guy, so I did not do that much to create Creator yet:-) But I will gladly pass on the praise.