Qt 4.7 Gtk theme issues
Yesterday I installed new shining Qt 4.7 SDK in my Ubuntu 10.04 machine. I downloaded this SDK from official QT site, link "Qt SDK for Linux/X11 32-bit":http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/sdk-linux-x11-32bit-cpp It seems that QtCreator itself and all GUI apps compiled under Qt 4.7 use wrong GTK theme ... See images below
Qt 4.6.3 SDK works fine on the same machine!! Does anyone has same issues?
I've got the same problem. The QtGui module seems to be compiled without QGtkStyle support. It can be rebuilt with Gtk style integration using the configure script with the -gtkstyle option, but I didn't find a way to rebuild only the QtGui module instead of rebuilding the entire toolkit.
Have you reported this "bug"?
you can post a bug "here":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com
"Bug report":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-13881
Thanks for the notification. Disregard the bugreport above since it seems to be unrelated to this issue. The build servers for the SDK had to be upgraded to a new version and a few dependencies required for GTK support were unfortunately lost in the process. We will rebuild and update the packages very soon as neither Qt itself or the SDK should be affected. The standalone builds of creator seems to work fine.