QML and Gestures
hi I want to build an app using Gestures: "http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-gesturearea.html":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-gesturearea.html , but it seems that the functions are not included in qt 4.7 . are they gone be included in 4.7.x or should I download and use them externally?
[edit: fixed link / chetankjain]
hi mbrasser. thanks. yes that was the problem 1.0 instead of 0.1
but now I have a different problem: Qt Creator doesn't recognize the signals such as onTap, onSwipe, etc..
I don't receive any error but nothing happens. I also tried this "example":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/declarative-touchinteraction-gestures-experimental-gestures-qml.html
[edit: fixed link / chetankjain]
[quote author="mbrasser" date="1285204678"]What platform are you using? As a first step, I'd suggest trying some of Qt's non-QML touch/gesture examples, and see whether or not those work for you.[/quote]
I'm trying to run it in simulator. I can't run the example on simulator using the mouse?
I have qt 4.7 and qt creator 2.01 . Like I said the creator doesn't recognize onTap,onSwipe signals, it shows me with a red underline.
All others QML examples are working. at least the ones I tried. :)
The red underline is due to an incomplete type specification in the file "qml-builtin-types.xml" used by Creator to provide meta information on the QML types.
Looking at "this suggestion":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTSIM-77, I'd say gestures aren't yet supported in the simulator.