[Solved] After compiling I have no /include/QtDesigner, Why?
Hi there. I appreciate any assistance.
I'm compiling Qt 4.6.3 on Mac OS X 10.4.11 with the following configuration:
./configure -static -no-fast -stl -qt-sql-sqlite -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libtiff -qt-libjpeg -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake tools -universal
It compiles fine. However my app looks for include/QtDesigner/ and the files contained in that directory, the trouble is, this directory does not exist after I compile.
Is this because of -nomake tools? I've had to add this because of the known error regarding the assistance.app and static compiling. And I tried compiling with both -shared & -static, no luck.
Can someone tell me how to make sure /include/QTdesigner gets created when I compile with my configuration?
Thanks in advance!
Designer is not built with '-nomake tools'. You can compile it separated, the code is in QT_SRC_DIR/tools/designer (qmake && make && make install should be enough).
I didn't understand one thing: why do your app need include/QtDesigner?
(N.B.: Since I develop more stuff with Graphics Widgets and QML, I'm not that familiar with designer, so sorry if it is a dumb question =)
Thank you for the reply. I'm not entirely sure why we link to /include/QtDesigner, I think it's because there are a lot of custom widgets.
So I'm recompiling right now with ./configure -static -no-fast -stl -qt-sql-sqlite -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libtiff -qt-libjpeg -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake tools -universal
At what point would I invoke QT_SRC_DIR/tools/designer make && make install? After the current make is complete, or do I need to restart? And doing this will create a directory /usr/local/Trolltech/QT-4.6.3/include/QtDesigner and the files QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface etc.. will be in there?
Thanks again.
[quote author="DropDeadCreative" date="1284308219"]
At what point would I invoke QT_SRC_DIR/tools/designer make && make install? After the current make is complete, or do I need to restart?[/quote]
You can run it after the current make. But remember, that isn't a 'command', QT_SRC_DIR is the path to your Qt source, enter that directory then run qmake && make && make install
[quote author="DropDeadCreative" date="1284308219"]
And doing this will create a directory /usr/local/Trolltech/QT-4.6.3/include/QtDesigner and the files QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface etc.. will be in there?
Thanks again. [/quote]I think so.
Thanks again, will give this a shot, a couple of hours left I would say on the current build.
Thank you. Worked like a charm!