The app developed by Qt for wasm do not looks good on mobile browser
The examples of Qt company offer looks great if I open them from desktop browser, but it looks bad on the browser of mobile, any suggestions?Thanks
Just find out there is a new page(Qt for WebAssembly) open, could anyone help me move this topic to there? Thanks
yeah you are damn right i realised that too. None of them Qt demos are scaled even "good" on the phone.
But I think there might be a solution cause the Application you build in WebAssembly sees a QScreen.
I didnt figure out but maybe somebody got deeper into that issue. -
In what way look bad ? -
Ok. i dont have a setup to easy run an app on a phone but i guess
the interface is too big?
Is this on android or iOS or both ? -
@mrjj Only test on android(I don't have ios and do not intent to buy one, their phone are too expensive compare with another high end phones today).
You do not need to set anythings up, just need to open the links by your browser :)
Click on any examples with start demo, then you will see what do I mean. This technique really is awesome, but it is still in early day I think, need more polish. Appreciate for anyone who contribute to this project
They didn't load on my (admiddaly old) Samsung 5.
Just says "compiling" -
I'm no expert, but from what I read the WASM stuff is considered still a bit "incomplete" even though it has been released and is expected to get on-going attention. It's an area I believe Qt is keen to improve in, as it may have a bright future. -
@mrjj Maybe download firefox could help you. In case this don't work either, I post links of my screen shot at here. developed web apps by Qt too, not as bad as the screen shot, but they do not looks good either
Those official examples show the app in a frame around other html. If you build examples yourself, the apps will run full 'screen' in the browser.
@lorn-potter Thanks, tried, can show the widgets but the ui components are too small, any suggestions to solve this issue?
By the way, do you know any way to make the QLineEdit accept non ascii input?This question is related to QTBUG-78826.
I load the fonts already, can paste the words from text file to QLineEdit or print the non ascii characters by program, but the QLineEdit cannot type the non ascii characters on it directly.
QFile ifile(":/fonts/wqy_compress"); if({ auto const font_id = QFontDatabase::addApplicationFontFromData(qUncompress(ifile.readAll())); qDebug()<<__func__<<"font id:"<<font_id; font_family_ = QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies(font_id).at(0); } QFont const monospace(font_family_ ); ui->lineEditNewChar->setFont(monospace);
Any suggestions?Thanks