QGraphicsItem::setTransformOriginPoint(x,y) not working as expected
I'm using a QGraphicsItemAnimation to animate the rotation of a QGraphicsPixmapItem. By default, the QGraphicsPixmapItem is rotated about local (0, 0), ie the top left corner of the image. For my purposes, I need it to rotate about a different point, so I tried using QGraphicsItem::setTransformOriginPoint(x, y), but no matter what values I passed, the image still rotated about local (0, 0). Code snippet follows.
class Character : public QGraphicsItem {
~Character();QRectF boundingRect() const;
void paint(QPainter*, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*, QWidget*);protected:
QGraphicsPixmapItem *torso, *head, *upper_arm, *lower_arm, *hand, *thigh, *calf, *foot;QTimeLine *timeLine;
};Character::Character() {
torso = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(QPixmap("img/torso.png"), this);
thigh = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(QPixmap("img/thigh.png"), torso);torso->setPos(-35, -95);
thigh->setPos(8, 144);thigh->setTransformOriginPoint(32, 14);
timeLine = new QTimeLine;
timeLine->setUpdateInterval(1000 / 25);
timeLine->setDuration(4000);QGraphicsItemAnimation thigh_anim = new QGraphicsItemAnimation;
thigh_anim->setRotationAt(0.00, -64.52+90);
/ lots of rotation points excluded for brevity */
thigh_anim->setRotationAt(1.00, -64.52+90);timeLine->start();
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
try something like this ..
thigh->setTransform(QTransform().translate(32,14).rotate(degrees).translate(-32, -14), true);
@basic idea is you move the origin, rotate and move the origin back.
as per docs, setTransformOriginPoint should have worked, but I'm using the code snip I posted in an existing project and it works fine
that works if and only if you have strict control over the execution order, thus the massive one-liner. unfortunately, in this case, since i'm doing the rotating with a QGraphicsItemAnimation, that isn't the case. i can't take the risk of it rendering one of the offset locations. that would cause cause really bad flickering. I'm wondering whether this is worth a bug report, or if i'm simply reading the spec wrong and what i'm trying to do isn't currently possible.
ok ... i'm going for full screen animation ... but, out of curiosity, what animation mechanism are you using? if you wouldn't mind posting a more complete drawing example, i'd love to see it. i based my approach off of the Drag and Drop Robot example [ http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.6/graphicsview-dragdroprobot.html ].
A side note. QGraphicsItemAnimation class seems to be deprecated already, unfortunately. The various classes of Animation Framework won't let you change e.g. the update interval, so you're stuck with the default 60 per sec or so. That means a maximum of 60 pixel-by-pixel transition of an image on screen per second. For most cases that is enough though, I guess. Or is there some nice trick I've missed?
i posted a reply and it vanished, some refresh issue at my end i guess, posting again
fps at 60 in Animation fw is not guaranteed, if the frames are complex to calculate and render, you get much lesser fps.
With QTimeLine you can have custom fps using updateInterval and duration, but if that fps can't be achieved, you tend to loose frames in between -- resulting in jerks in animation
QGraphicsItem::setTransformOriginPoint(x, y) is working perfectly for me with smooth 60fps animation in a game on Symbian (N8). I'm not using the animation class on top though - I'm doing the rotation myself in the game loop.