Coffee engineering
[quote author="Andre" date="1278597074"][quote author="BlackCoder" date="1278591460"]It takes a while to grow into drinking coffee, but once your hooked, your hooked for life ... [/quote]
Not sure I want to be hooked. Why add another addition to my list?[/quote]
Choose your vices. It could be worse than coffee. ;)
Just a strong black tea. Lots of it.
At INdT I gave up coffe... Now I drink my own and addictive <a href="">tea</a> =)
Usually I will drink 3 cups of coffee every day! However, I prefer "Greek coffee", so the quantity is not as much as one might think! ;)
[quote author="BlackCoder" date="1278591460"]It takes a while to grow into drinking coffee, but once your hooked, your hooked for life ... [/quote]
I was very much hooked. After a few years I really started to dislike the after taste and a few months later also the taste itself. I switched to black tea.
Has anyone tried "Kopi Luwak or civet coffee": [via The Bucket List], I haven't :)
[quote author="Ashwin Das" date="1284054093"]Has anyone tried "Kopi Luwak or civet coffee": [via The Bucket List], I haven't :)[/quote]
no thanks LOL
[quote author="pkhamre" date="1285675145"]We have an "AeroPress": here at work. Combined with roasted beans from "Square Mile Coffee Roasters": or "Tim Wendelboe": makes the perfect coffee! #coffeegeek[/quote]
Now I am tempted to drop by and bring a mug...
i like coffee at work place but alas! it is in morning only. :( ...........
tamhanna, coffee is not only caffeine. It is ritual :)
Gerolf, I'm with you hehe. I also prefer tea :)
tamhanna, it is individual. Tea helps me being awake more than coffee.