Zoom functionality when double click
I've created zooming functionality when user double-clicks in the webview. Problem is following: when I double click in a position where there is a link it navigates to that link (as double click is emitted after two press events). Please give me some idea for disabling this two mouse presses in case of double click...
You can run a timer after first click and if there is no second click open an url. But it will cause some slowdown of links opening.
That is correct but... Actually I've done following: I have a timer which runs QApplication::doubleClickInterval() ms. I can't call the QWebView::mousePress which actually handles the click on the link from my timer. Also don't want to manually find the underlying element and navigate to it's url, because there may be items such as "submit buttons" which don't have underlying url but should be pressed (e.g. google search button). So the thing is that I want to call the functionality of the QWebView::mousePress() from that timer slot which doesn't work...