Symbian to be sold to Accenture; huge layoffs for Nokians ahead
According to "these": "announcements": Nokia plans to sell Symbian to Accenture; a consultancy company, which will then lease it back to Nokia and provide the services Nokia needs to keep using Symbian for the coming years. 3000 Nokia employees will been transfered to Accenture.
Related to this move, "another 4000 Nokia employees will have to leave Nokia": (added to the 3000 mentioned above).
More links:
One of the main questions on this forum would be: where will Qt end up? Will it transfer to Accenture too, or will it stay with Nokia? And if it stays with Nokia, then this question, asked earlier in discussions on the Windows Phone move, will rear up its ugly head again: What is the business case for continued Qt development within Nokia?
After the WP7 move, the official communication was that Nokia would still sell 150M devices with Symbian and Qt in the years to come, and that Qt was evaluated for other devices. With the development work for the Symbian devices moving the Accenture, what case is there left for Qt within Nokia?
Would be quite suicidal to give up on Qt and go into the partnership with Microsoft.
"This reply": from Thiago (well known Troll) in qt-interest is interesting in this respect.
Actually I think it is a no-brainer to look into a crystal ball and see that Qt is coming to S40 with some future devices. But it may be just QML, at least in the beginning.
(Disclaimer: I came to this conclusion after braking an easter egg and looking how the pieces fell..., but mobile industry analysts seem to be successfully using the same method)
It took me about 2/3 of the way through that reply from Thiago before my brain remembered that in this context "Troll" has a completely different meaning than the rest of the interwebs. :-P
Anyway, good to hear that the Qt team is staying together. Keep up the good work.
It's quite difficult to me see if I follow investing time working with Qt for Symbian with this type of announcements every month :(, luckily there's still Meego.