Qt Quick for multimedia
Hey guys
this is my first Question here on this nice piece of web.
I'm impatient for the release of Qt Quick and I hope that this fantastic new feature
will be a success.What I wanna know is how difficult could it be to put in multimedia contents like
movie clips, musik and other stuff into that kind of app. Do I have to implement it in
C++ or are there any features for that kind of content provided by Qt Quick ?I hope you know what I mean ; )
Multimedia elements for QML are being provided by the Qt Mobility Project. Documentation for these elements (SoundEffect, Audio, and Video) is available at "http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility-1.0/multimedia.html#qml-multimedia-elements":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility-1.0/multimedia.html#qml-multimedia-elements.