Any stackoverflow users out there?
Over the past year or so the number of people actively answering and asking Qt related questions over at "SO": has been increasing.
#qt on freenode is probably still the place to get your Qt questions answered fastest, but the depth and quality of the answers at SO tend to be better then you get elsewhere.
With Qt DevNet being released, maybe this forum will play into this niche too.
So how about it, any SO users here on this forum? If so, do frequent the "qt": / "qt4": tags ?
I am only a user in the sense that SO sometimes pops up in my Google searches. I still think that Qt-interest is the primary support channel. It is reasonably fast, and requires much less energy and attention to keep up with than #qt. IRC has its uses, but it is a bit too unstructured for me to work with in an efficient way.
I'm a big(ish) SO user (rep of 7.7K) and I have posted many Qt questions there and have been very pleased with the responses. The amount of Qt questions posted has rocketed in the last 12 months (since LGPL I think) which is a great sign.
[quote author="robcaldecott" date="1278945796"]I'm a big(ish) SO user (rep of 7.7K) and I have posted many Qt questions there and have been very pleased with the responses. The amount of Qt questions posted has rocketed in the last 12 months (since LGPL I think) which is a great sign.[/quote]
Yup I agree! I wish everyone would cross post their Qt questions to the qt and qt4 tags, or just use one or the other. Monitoring both is annoying.