QT multi-thread socket quit issue
As title, I made a project to use multi-thread realize multi-socket client connection.
I choose 'move to a thread' to make my data processing in the new thread.
I test it works, "thread over " can be print
My question is are there any risks, or how can I know the tread is over?//server.cpp void Server::incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor) { qDebug()<<"incoming in thread: "<<QThread::currentThreadId(); Thread *thread = new Thread(socketDescriptor,this); Worker *cpu=new Worker(thread->socket); connect(thread->socket,SIGNAL(readyRead()),cpu,SLOT(socket_Read_Data())); connect(thread->socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), cpu, SLOT(socket_Disconnected())); connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(Over())); cpu->moveToThread (thread); cpu->socket->moveToThread(thread); thread->start(); } void Server::Over() { qDebug()<<"thread over!"; }
in server.cpp I overwriter the incommingconnection function, and connect 2 slot and signal. I want to realize that when socket is disconnected, the thread should be quit and release all the resource.
this is worker.cpp
//worker.cpp void Worker::socket_Read_Data() { //data processing } void Worker::socket_Disconnected() { this->thread()->quit(); this->thread()->wait(); }
This doesn't work at all. QThread is not a thread but an object which creates a thread. All stuff inside QThread::run() is running in another thread. Therefore when you create your QTcpSocket inside Thread's ctor it will be created in the main thread.
The easiest way to go isQThread *t = new QThread(this); Worker *w = new Worker(socketDescriptor); // no parent - otherwise moveToThread will not work, see documentation! connect(t, &QThread::started, w, &Worker::doWork); connect(...) w->moveToThread(t); t->start();
The Worker is started in the -
Assuming that Worker has Socket instead of is Socket (relationship).
You can forward the socket disconnected signal to a worker signal to stop the thread// in worker and thread creation connect(t, &QThread::finished, w, &Worker::deleteLater); connect(t, &QThread::finished, t, &QThread::deleteLater); connect(w, &Worker::socketDisconnected, t, &QThread::quit); // in worker constructor connect(mySocket, &QTcpSocket::disconnected, this, &Worker::socketDisconnected); // worker signal
Or use a slot function from your worker to stop its thread.
// in worker and thread creation connect(t, &QThread::finished, w, &Worker::deleteLater); connect(t, &QThread::finished, t, &QThread::deleteLater); // in worker constructor connect(mySocket, &QTcpSocket::disconnected, this, &Worker::onSocketDisconnected); // worker slot // worker onSocketDisconnected Slot function void Worker::onSocketDisconnected() { this->thread()->quit(); }
tks, it all works, so do my code above.
I think I find the original question, that is QTcpSocket::disconnected cant be emitted in some cases.
When I use software to connect my server and disconnect it, QTcpSocket::disconnected can be emitted.
When I use my two network hardware to connect, one of them cant make the QTcpSocket::disconnected work when I shut down the hardware, another one can make the QTcpSocket::disconnected work when I shut down, but it works after 10 seconds, it's very strange and confused me.
I will find why and how to check the connection state and use another way to deal with the disconnection issue.tks again KillerSmath, you are so warmhearted!