Finally, summer is "here(Where is here?)":,4.298744&spn=0.074459,0.154324&t=h&z=13, and it seems the weather is going to change to match that!
A bit of sunshine to make a programmer happy.
And here you can find a photo I shot today ;)
"Were I live(Where I live)":;=&q=Fortaleza,+Ceará&sll=-3.740868,-38.494226&sspn=0.013768,0.022724&ie=UTF8&hq;=&hnear=Fortaleza+-+Ceará,+Brazil&t=h&z=12&iwloc=A is always sunny...
I miss some cold weather. :( -
[quote author="Vass" date="1277201129"]Esdras Beleza Hehe, Welcome to Russia in Winter: -20, -30 Celsius degrees[/quote]
Such weather in European part of Russia in winter stays only for few days last years, so it is not so cold in average. Something like -10 is closer to average winter day.
Oh, it's sunny "here(Oslo)":;=&q=Oslo,+Norway&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=54.665451,96.152344&ie=UTF8&hq;=&hnear=Oslo,+Norway&ll=59.913902,10.748577&spn=0.068413,0.187798&t=h&z=13 too these days. And day means sunrise at 4 am and sunset at 11 pm and twilight in between. :)