How to send a message from a Tcpserver to all connected clients?
Just remember all open sockets in a vector/map/whatever and iterate over this container when you want to send data.
Hi @Z0mbi3,
You can get an example of what @Christian-Ehrlicher said here:
and for what its worth, there is really no such thing as a TCP broadcast since it is session/stream oriented. Implementing such is purely an application level function. As others suggested, your daemon needs to keep track of the client list and insert the broadcast message into each client's stream where/when it makes sense to do so. adhoc insertion of messages needs to be thought out carefully when dealing with application level session protocols. Many protocols can break if they receive unsolicited messages from the server, as it is often a client->server query/command, followed by a server->client response.
In which eventuality you'd like to send a out-of-band message,, or e.g. Which I have a feeling Qt doesn't support anyway.