Load "complex" QML component with Loader
Hi, I would like to know how to load a "complex" QML component (in a .qml file) with the Loader. By complex I mean that in there are conditions, events ... When I load a .qml "complex" the Loader can not load it and do not display it ... How to do?
Thank you in advance for your answers =)
for example if you have some layout problem ... qtdesigner and debug show nothing or mysterious messages instead the right one, but the work not compile at all.
Thank you for your answer, I will try to remove all layouts to see if it works. I'll keep you informed.
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Window 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4Page {
id: login_2
visible: true
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
width: 720
height: 1280
property alias lp_button_2_Button: lp_button_2_ButtonTextField { id: login_2_input_email_TextField Item { id: login_2_input_email x: 0 y: 0 width: 642 height: 103 z: 1 Image { id: login_2_input_email_Image x: 0 y: 0 width: 642 height: 103 z: 1 source: "Login_img_3.png" } TextField { x: 43 y: 0 width: 556 height: 103 opacity: 1 z: 2 font.pointSize: 16 font.family: "Montserrat" placeholderText: "Email" background {opacity: 0} color: "#F5C34E" placeholderTextColor: "#CCD8E5" onEditingFinished: if (login_2_input_email_TextField.text === "") {login_2_input_email_Image.source = "Login_img_3.png"} else {login_2_input_email_Image.source = "Login_img_5.png.png"} onFocusChanged: if (focus === true) {login_2_input_email_Image.source = "Login_img_3.png"} } } Item { id: login_2_input_password x: 0 y: 0 z: 1 width: 642 height: 103 Image { id: login_2_input_password_Image x: 0 y: 0 width: 642 height: 103 source: "Login_img_3.png" z: 1 } TextField { id: login_2_input_password_TextField x: 43 y: 0 width: 478 height: 103 color: "#f5c34e" placeholderText: "Mot de passe" background.opacity: 0 opacity: 1 placeholderTextColor: "#ccd8e5" font.pointSize: 16 z: 2 font.family: "Montserrat" echoMode: input_password_eye_CheckBox.checked? "Normal" : "Password" onEditingFinished: if (login_2_input_password_TextField.text === "") {login_2_input_password_Image.source = "Login_img_3.png"} else {login_2_input_password_Image.source = "Login_img_5.png"} onFocusChanged: if (focus === true) {login_2_input_password_Image.source = "Login_img_.png"} } Item { id: input_password_eye x: 528 y: 0 width: 82 height: 103 z: 2 CheckBox { id: input_password_eye_CheckBox x: 0 y: 0 z: 2 width: 82 height: 103 opacity: 0 } Image { id: input_password_eye_Image x: 11 y: 22 z: 2 width: 60 height: 60 source: "Login_img_6.png" opacity: input_password_eye_CheckBox.checked? 1 : 0.5 } } } Item { id: login_2_button_1 x: 0 y: 0 width: 329 height: 74 z: 1 Button { id: login_2_button_1_Button x: 0 y: 0 width: 329 height: 74 text: qsTr("") opacity: 0 z: 1 } Image { id: login_2_button_1_Image x: 0 y: 0 width: 329 height: 74 z: 1 source: "Login_img_7.png" opacity: login_2_button_1_Button.pressed? 0.5 : 1 } } Image { id: login_2_login_logo_Image x: 0 y: 0 z: 1 source: "Login_img_10.png" } Image { id: login_2_background source: "Login_img_2.png" z: 0 } Item { id: login_2_button_2 x: 0 y: 0 width: 50 height: 50 z: 1 Image { id: login_2_button_2_Image x: 16 y: 10 z: 1 source: "Login_img_9.png" opacity: login_2_button_2_Button.pressed? 0.5 : 1 } Button { id: login_2_button_2_Button x: 0 y: 0 z: 1 width: 50 height: 50 text: qsTr("") opacity: 0 } }
Are you able to show that page without the loader ?
can you show a mockup of the layout you are trying to design ?@DropNod said in Load "complex" QML component with Loader:
By complex I mean that in there are conditions, events
Conditions and events it's very normal but,
your component/Item encapsulation is complex. You have this ?Page{ TextField{ // Why all this inside the TextFied ?? Item{Image{TextField{}} Item{Image{} TextField{} Item{CheckBox{}Image{}}} Item{Button{} Image{}} Image{} Image{} Item{Button{} Image{}} } }
Why not use Qt Quick Layouts instead of manual positionning/sizing ?
x: 11 y: 22 z: 2 width: 60 height: 60
Here is the model of the application, I crossed the name of the application for reasons of confidentiality. The encapsulation is good and I used the layouts but I deleted them following the answer of @gfxx, I will put them back after. I really do not see where the problem comes from ...
@DropNod said in Load "complex" QML component with Loader:
how to load a "complex" QML component (in a .qml file) with the Loader
Same way as any "normal" Component.
What is the status of your loader ? -
I managed to load my .qml file. I copied the command code by command until I found the error. It came from the command "property alias [...]", I do not know why, it caused a bug Qt. In any case thank you for your help!