[solved] Moving and Resizing QGraphicsSvgItem with PyQt4
It makes a few days that I've started to play with Python3 and PyQt4.
I thought that it could be nice to make a simple card game. I've read some tutorials, searched on PyQt4, Qt4, Qt5 and PyQt5 documentation but I got stacked!
But now I'm starting to have some problems: how to resize my Items so they have a relational size with the scene.sceneRect() (cardHeight = sceneRect().height()/10) and how should implement independent movement to those items (separate time of movement start and target).
I have a big file already written but here is a sample example where I would like to implement those features (if you help me).
@from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, QtSvgclass GameView(QtGui.QGraphicsView):
"""Widget where we will see the results. the file used may be found at https://github.com/sandsmark/poker-ai/blob/master/card-deck/oxygen-air.svgz """ def __init__(self, filename = "../pictures/oxygen-air.svgz", parent = None): """Initialize the Viewer.""" super(GameView, self).__init__(parent) carddeck = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer(filename) myCards={} for someId in ("back", "1_spade", "queen_diamond"): newCard = QtSvg.QGraphicsSvgItem() newCard.setSharedRenderer(carddeck) newCard.setElementId(someId) myCards[someId] = newCard self.scene = QtGui.QGraphicsScene() # Set screen resolution in case it's shown on fullscreen mode self.scene.setSceneRect( QtCore.QRectF(QtGui.QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry())) self.setScene(self.scene) tempPos = 0, 0 for cardId in myCards.keys(): self.scene.addItem(myCards[cardId]) myCards[cardId].setPos(QtCore.QPointF(tempPos[0], tempPos[1])) tempPos = tempPos[0] + myCards[cardId].boundingRect().width(), tempPos[1] + myCards[cardId].boundingRect().height() def resizeEvent(self, event): """Only to make sure that qgraphics view have no scroolbars.""" self.fitInView(self.scene.sceneRect(), QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
if name == "main":
import sys app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) widget = GameView() widget.show() sys.exit(app.exec_()) @
Think I've the answer to one part: Resizing.
Here I'll leave my first approach.@def resize(svgItem, maxSizeRectF):
"""Resize an svgItem till fit on maxSizeRectF rectangle.""" # Get the smaller side of the rect relativeSize = min( maxSizeRectF.width(),maxSizeRectF.height() ) #Scale the item svgItem.setScale(relativeSize/svgItem.boundingRect().height())
Now here came the part I haven't used before!
When we need to know the measures of this Svg Item, we have to be carefull!svgItem."boundingRect()":http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt4/qgraphicsitem.html#boundingRect - will return the svgItem's (own) bounding Rect
we may need to use svgItem."sceneBoundingRect()":http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt4/qgraphicsitem.html#sceneBoundingRect to get the bounding rect of this Item on the scene.
If I'm wrong please correct me.
Now it's time to find my second part of the problem... movement! -
And think I got him! Is something like this:
@def moveCard(self, card, targetPoint, timeLine = 5000, rotation = 0):
"""Move the card from one position to one other.""" cardTimer=QtCore.QTimeLine(timeLine) cardAnimation=QtGui.QGraphicsItemAnimation(self) cardAnimation.setItem(card) cardAnimation.setTimeLine(cardTimer) cardAnimation.setPosAt(1, targetPoint) cardAnimation.setRotationAt(1, rotation) cardTimer.start()@
... improve speed with svg card items?
I've noted improved speed adding @card.setCacheMode(QtGui.QGraphicsItem.NoCache)@