Clang code model and cross compiling toolchain not working in Qt Creator
I want to use the Clang Code Model in Qt Creator 4.8.0 for my cross compiling project. I do not want to compile from the IDE. Instead I have scripts that I run from the shell which uses GCC.
For this scenario, do I still have to do the complete compiler setup under "Kits"? Which settings are mandatory if I don't want to compile?
I'm asking because I've been trying to integrate Clang into the IDE for a long time, but it always fails. Even telling Clang to use the proper sysroot is a challenge. I can hardly find any information on the internet on how to do this. I've been looking for RaspPi instructions for orientation, but found nothing.
Hi @MrRobot,
I'm using QtCreator in conjunction with Toradex Apalis iMX.6, and it works perfectly.
I have, however, set up a Kit so I can compile, deploy and debug from within Creator. Clang is working (mostly) fine in this scenario.
Hi @aha_1980
it seems I solved it. The problem was that I added a custom compiler. Once I added a compiler of type GCC, it works perfectly.
Sorry for cross posting. I found this forum better for my topic. I wasn't able to delete my post in the other one.
Kind regards,