How to save an image from QML Image element?
Image loading and saving via Canvas:
@import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Window 2.1Window {
width: imgLoader.sourceSize.width
height: imgLoader.sourceSize.height
visible: true
property string loadUrl: "file://tmp/image.png"
property string saveUrl: "/tmp/i2.png"Canvas { id: root anchors.fill: parent onPaint: { var ctx = getContext("2d") ctx.drawImage(imgLoader, 0, 0) } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { if ( { console.log("save succeeded") } else { console.log("save failed") } } } Image { id: imgLoader visible: false source: loadUrl }
Note that the parameter to Canvas::save() is a filename, not a URL. It fails when "file://tmp/i2.png" is used.
I decided to solve this a bit differently. I created a new QML type (c++ class) that takes in image url (local or remote) and spits out local url. In case of beginning http:// or https:// class checks if image is already downloaded from the remote server and in that case spits the local url right out w/o wasting the precious mobile data bandwidth.And then there a QML component that fills out the Image type source property when the local url is returned from my so called "Caching class". If anybody's interest I can strip it out of my project and put it up to github with decent comments.
Ok, the exmaple project is available in . There might be some issues since I've written QT for 2mos for now but it should give you the general idea.
Caching can also be handled with a "QQuickImageProvider":
After defining and register a provider, image urls can be written as "image://ProviderName/path/to/image".
The same concept exists for Qt 4 in the form of QDeclarativeImageProvider.
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