how to open one window from another with qml
Have qml component with root item as window. Based on some signal show the object of window. It will launch in another window.
@dheerendra hi, thanks for the fast reply , can you give me any example please?
You can check my GIT
@dheerendra thanks it works but know i would like to know how to close the first window, the one i used to lunch the other one
Assign the id property for the first window. Inside the handler you can say id.visible = false;
@dheerendra realized now that the second window does not open as a new window , it opens inside the first window and when i give the command to set as false the first window visibility it closes both windows
show me the code change you have done.
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4ApplicationWindow {
id: lol visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Hello World") Loader{ id : ld } Frame { width: 300 height: 400 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Column {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter;
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter;spacing: 5; Label{ width: 200 height: 30 anchors.horizontalCenter: Column.horizontalCenter; //anchors.verticalCenter: Column.verticalCenter text: "FACEBOOK" color: "black" visible: true } TextField{ text: "username " width: 200 height: 30 anchors.horizontalCenter: Column.horizontalCenter; anchors.verticalCenter: Column.verticalCenter; visible: true } TextField{ text: "password " width: 200 height: 30 anchors.horizontalCenter: Column.horizontalCenter; anchors.verticalCenter: Column.verticalCenter; visible: true } Button{ width: 200 height: 30 anchors.horizontalCenter: Column.horizontalCenter; anchors.verticalCenter: Column.verticalCenter; text: "loggin" visible: true onClicked: { console.log("Dheerendra Window Clicked") ld.source = "page2.qml" lol.visible = false } } }

After looking at this image I have question. Why do you want to show another windows ? Is it the error message you wanted to show ? if this the case you can show dialog.
I tried with you code now. When I launch it starts the user/password window. When I click on log button, it closes user/pass windows and shows the new window. Can you show what is available in Page2.qml ? Is it starting from Window as root element ? Looks like your Page2.qml qml root is not Window. Confirm the same.
@dheerendra i wanted to open the program main window from the login button
@dheerendra it doesn't shows the new window to me.
yes the page 2 window is not starting as a root element -
it shows this output
thank you sir , just made it , it opens the second window, i'm really grateful