problem with QtWebengine widget
Hello everyone, i'm new to Qt desktop development, i'm trying to create simple browser. the document i'm using uses qwebkit, but i found on internet that it's obsolet, that i should use qwebengine widget. but sends out the error : Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webenginewidgets when i run qmake. I use qt 5.6.1. Really need help it's been two days that i'm looking for a solution.
Hi and welcome to the forums.
What plaform ?
As far as i know QtWebEngine is only available for Visual Studio 2013 and 2015/17 on windows platform.
(due to the use of Chromium which cant be build with mingw)
So you need to download visual studio 2015/17 from MS site and
also use the maintenance tool to add a Qt for Visual Studio and the
I'm using Qt creator.
That is ok.
Creator is an ide. (Editor)
You need the visual studio COMPILER.
you dont have to use visual studio IDE but you need the compiler to use with Creator.
So you need to use the Qt for visual studio AND the compiler from Microsoft.I assume you are currently using mingw ?
yes. i'm using mingw
And QtWebEngine is not available for mingw.
So you need to switch to visual studio compiler to use it. ( and switch the Qt version from the mingw QT one to a Visual Stdio Qt ) (
you cannot use mingw Qt with visual stdio Qt and reverse.You can still use Creator. You just get a new kit to use besides the mingw one.
Please any link to get the visual studio compiler and how to add it to Qt creator?
Hopefully it will auto detect the new kit.REMEMBER to also add the Qt visual studio version with maintenance tool!
Please is there not a way to have the visual studio compiler alone, cause the installation of the whole visual studio takes 15Go. And for the moment i'm limited in disk space
The Tools for Visual Studio 2015.
This package can be used with Qt Creator.
I have not tried the 2017 versionmake sure you select the C++ component. and not all of it.
My install is around 4GB.